She lifted her head, her green eyes pleading with him across the room, but he had to know, he had to ask. “Marco…” he murmured. “Marco?” She nodded her head, confirming what healready knew. “That was tough to see. I mean…you dressed up like some kinda, I don’t know, rich…well, the makeup, the outfit, I mean…also being humiliated, seeing you being treated like a fucking prop, like…”

“An arm accessory?” She cut him off.

Their eyes locked on each other. He nodded slowly, methodically easing forward with his words carefully. “But it was sooo…” Damn this was grueling to hear. “I mean, is that how you got treated?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, then forced them open to focus on him. “No, not usually, and even for Marco, who is an arrogant ass...”

“That’s for sure.”

“I know, he is, but he was in rare form that weekend. Not excusing it, but his fiancée left him for a richer, slightly more handsome guy.” Her lips curved downward. “…And for some reason, he seemed threatened by you. I triednotto act like I thought you were hot.”

He nodded his chin slightly. “You did a pretty good job.”

“Marco did not think I did,” she said flatly.

“Well, I was convinced,” he interjected, scowling. “So, he was an exception? I mean, the way he acted toward you. God, I wanted to…” He stopped himself.

“Jake…so many of these guys are insecure, but Marco was one of the worst. Not saying I always felt special. But in most cases, especially with long-term clients, I was treated better than they treated the women they supposedly loved in their life,” she explained.

He shook his head. “That’s sad. Was Marco… I mean, did you see him often?” He was not sure why he couldn’t let this go.

“No. That wasn’t the first time, but it was the last.” She took another sip of wine and a quick breath. “And Jake, I never had sex with him.”


“No, I just sucked him off a lot,” she stated dryly.

He shook his head. “God, that makes me feel so much better.”

She swallowed the thick lump in her throat, her shoulders dropping. “I’m not trying to make you feel better. I’m struggling to be completely honest with you.”

He put down his wine, his mind sputtering with the overload of information so incongruent with the picture he had conjured before he knew all of this.

“Jake, I’m done answering questions tonight. I'm honestly exhausted by it, and I need to stop for now. I’m not sure how Hillary Clinton sat for eleven hours being pinged about all those emails because I’m already spent,” she stated with a definite finality to her tone.

His head popped up, a small smile emerging on his lips. “Yeah, that was pretty much a shit show—she held up well, though. Can I ask one more…”

“No, Jake, I just...”

“Okay, but soon I want to hear about Matt.” He swallowed. “I know how important he is to you.”

“He is; he’s the most important person in my life.” Her tone was serious yet soft.

“What about your parents?” he asked.

“Matt means more to me than anybody. I don’t mind telling you our story—he’s given me permission—but I am done talking about all this deep shit.”

“I understand that, but I need…I mean…”

“Jake, I know it’s a lot to take in, but truthfully, the sex part was one small part, and I see it as pretty straightforward—I got paid either to look good in public and sometimes to act as a girlfriend or whatever at night. I mean, I really don’t see the difference between my life and what you’ve done. You’ve had sexwith a lot of girls, and what did they get out of it?” She repeated the same point she’d made when he first confronted her. Anxiety strained her vocal cords, exhausted from the build-up to this and now stuck in a quagmire of defending her decisions and her life. “So basically, they spread their legs to hang on the arm of an NFL player and maybe for some Taco Bell…”

Here we go again, he thought. “First, they got orgasms out of it,” he said with the Cheshire cat grin. Then he added, “And on the other point, not fair, Taco Bell?” He grinned. “I’m a Chuy’s kinda lover, I took my dates to Chuy’s. Shit, Taco Bell? What kinda classless guy do you think I am?”

She laughed, realizing he was gifted at easing the mood, “Mmm…well I’d probably do you for some Chuy’s queso.”

“That sounds good. Let’s go for it,” he chuckled.

“Queso sounds great, but I’m exhausted.”