“Oh, add The Threesome…I haven’t had it in so long…” Her voice came across the phone a tad lighter as if, in the last seconds, she’d thrown some of the weight to the ground. Jake surmised it was pretty much impossible to say the wordsadd in The Threesomewithout at least a sprinkling of whimsy dusting your mood.

Taking his cue from her, he chimed in, “Hey, this is sounding more and more like my kinda night, sis…but alas, you and I at the firepit…not really into that…but if you want me to bring a couple of buddies and…”

“Jake…you’re not funny.”

“Mmm…okay, we’ll see how funny I get after the tequila.” Jake trailed off, amused by himself.

“Hilarious, I’m sure.” A biting sarcasm shifted back into her tone. “I’m going to have Dad drive me to The Hill. You park around the corner and take one of the four-wheelers. Cameron is glued to the front window, yelling fieeeteee, fieeeteee, obviously trying to say fifteen, even though we have all told him you’re not coming. If you want to see them, then take them to Whataburger tomorrow because I’ll be nursing a hangover.” Her statement was void of emotion as if she wasn’t their mom, Jake thought, trying to reconcile the Melissa he knew with the person on the phone.

“Sure…okay, I’ll let Mom and Dad know. We can slip in after Mom lets us know they’ve gone to bed.”

“Jake, get the tacos…I’m not talking about the kids tonight. You can see them tomorrow. I’m hungry, and my mouth is dry, so the longer you blab, the less of a night I get without anybody bothering me.”

Well, damn…that did not sound very motherly. “On it, see you soon.”

He immediately got online and ordered the tacos.

Jake:Mom, Melissa and I are going to hang out at The Hill. Text when the kids are down. I’m spending the night…Send

David:Dad here…Mom’s trying to get Cameron to eat…while M and I slip out. Sleep on the couch in the pool room. Mom redid your room for the kids…Send

Jake:Really? Since I was there a couple of weeks ago?…Send

David:Yes Jake, we didn’t think you were moving back in…Send

Jake:My copy ofOld Yeller?...Send

David:With mine on my bookshelf son. Hugs…Send

Jake:Back at you…Send

David:Take care of Issa tonight and don’t text and drive…Send

Jake:Of course. Just leaving now…Send

The aromas of fried meat, melted cheese, and sauteed peppers permeated his truck. He made sure he had the tequila and a case of beer. The great food and the liquor equaled a decadent night, except that he was going to be mulling life with Melissa tonight or whatever he was allowed to talk about around the firepit this evening. That spot had been a backdrop to so many scenes, family get-togethers, many stupid-guy nights, and a handful of sexy moments when he had wooed a girl. He went back to the night he’d almost lost Neo, remembering the way Rakell’s body had rippled from multiple orgasms as he worked feverishly to give her something he instinctively knew she needed. He remembered her shuddering against his chest, not born from pleasure but …what?— fear…sadness…confusion…longing? Her vulnerability contrasted with the woman who took control in the midst of him dissolving in despair with the fear of losing Neo.

He pulled in beside his parents’ party barn, transferring the contents of the truck to a four-wheeler, throwing in a couple of extra blankets from the back of the truck. He could feel the night air shedding any warmth the day had held, giving way to the coolness that followed the sun’s retirement for the night.

Jake looked down at a message from Levi that he’d been ignoring all day…

Levi:Hey Jake, I know we avoided the Jumbotron conversation in our interviews…but wanted to send the interview I did with Rakell this morning…in case you didn’t see it…Send

Jake had watched the interview again and again before this message came through, at least ten times. He finally responded to Levi.

Jake:Thanks. Surprised she agreed to that…Send

Levi:I promised I would go easy but still ask some tough questions. Didn’t want viewers to feel like it was rehearsed…Send

Jake:Was it? Did she know you were going to open it up…ask if she wanted to say anything to me…Send

Levi:No. She knew I would ask why she was at the San Antonio game. She told me she wanted to apologize to the Jensen family…Send

Jake:So her answer was off the cuff ?…Send

Levi:Best I can tell…Lana said she’s trying to move on…I guess from the Jumbotron incident…Send

Jake:Or Me…delete