"Jake, you can sit with your friends, you don’t have to…”

“Of course, I’m going to sit with you. I was just sitting with them earlier because I wasn’t sure…”

She cut him off. “I’m glad I did.”

“Me too, Sweets.” His hand brushed her upper arm.

As they ate, she got to connect with Melissa, Jake’s oldest sister, whose blond-haired, blue-eyed look resembled his father as opposed to Jenae, who looked like a mini-me of her mother. Melissa and Rakell talked about Mia’s boutique and how Melissa had done the marketing and business consulting for her. She met Melissa’s children, Jake’s niece and nephew.Cassie was seven and Cameron three, and he didn’t stop moving or humming. Rakell didn’t know much about children, but she registered that Cameron seemed to be off in his own world. Rakell loved watching Jake interact with them and Jasmine, who insisted on sitting in Jake’s lap the entire time and only getting up when Jake had to go speak.

“Be right back,” Jake said, pecking Rakell on the cheek. She watched as he walked to the small wooden stage where the band had been but was on break to eat. He wore a light lavender cashmere sweater, showing off his chest and arm muscles. Rakell thought about the gray one he’d had on the other day and noted that it was the same sweater in a different color. The color stood out against his dark jeans that hugged his long muscular legs, laying neatly on the top of his brown cowboy boots. He stood next to his dad as his dad thanked the crowd and talked about how proud he was of his son and Dwayne, who’d become like a son to him. Rakell remembered Jake telling her that Dwayne’s dad had died when Dwayne was in college.

Handing Jake the microphone as he patted him on the back, his dad stepped off the stage and returned to the table next to them.

Jake scanned the large crowd before he spoke. “Like my dad said, we are grateful to everyone for coming out tonight to be part of this more intimate celebration. Also, we appreciate everyone obliging our request for no pictures or videos…trying to stay out of the limelight.” He smiled, scanning the crowd of around a hundred people who laughed and clapped. “I just want to thank my parents, Annette and David, and Dwayne’s mom, Georgia, for hosting this party for Dwayne and me. My family, both my sisters, Melissa and Jenae, and of course their partners, along with my other family, Jordan and Delilah—you all have been through it with me, putting up with me.” He looked up to the ceiling, and the table Rakell was at laughed.

Delilah whispered, “You know it,” as she looked at Jenae.

“Seriously, though,” he continued speaking into the microphone, “I’ve been super lucky, and I am very grateful for the support system I have, including my team and, of course, my coaches—Coach Easton, who had to fly back to Sacramento, and a big shout out to Coach Mark, who’s made a career out of yelling at me.” Jake paused, letting the crowd laugh and clap, hearing the hoots coming from his team members.

Rakell couldn’t help but think how natural he was in front of a crowd, endearing and commanding. She looked at him smiling as his eyes scanned the room, landing on her, his smile growing…she could feel it consuming her, all of her. “And I have to say, you gotta be doing something right when you get a lifelong Tornado fan to cheer you on.” He winked at her. A few eyes moved to her, making her uncomfortable, but as the crowd cheered, she kept her eyes on him and blew him a quick kiss. He opened his hand, then quickly closed it, a subtle gesture as if he was catching it. Her heart quickened, jumping in her chest as her eyes scanned the table, noticing a few glances, trying to act like she didn’t see them.

“Like I said, I am very grateful to this team. They protect me, which I really appreciate.” He made a motion toward his body, the crowd laughing. “They also keep me focused, no easy task, but it’s their devotion that keeps me humbled and in my place. Rodger has been pivotal in my growth.” He looked toward the group of players who were standing and cheering. “I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my main man, Dwayne, who is the MVP. Dwayne Bradshaw, come up here and say a few words,” Jake said, grinning as Dwayne stood, bowing before making his way to Jake.

Somewhere in the crowd, Rakell heard a woman yell, “That’s my boy, my boy!!”

Jake nodded to an older, dark-skinned woman standing. “That’s right, Georgia, your boy. You being his momma is his best quality.” Jake laughed as he handed the microphone to Dwayne.

As he made his way back to the table, he heard Dwayne say, “Give it up for Pretty Boy Jake Skyler. I guess it turns out that the playboy really does know how to play ball.” The crowd laughed while Jake felt his spine stiffen, thinking about Rakell hearing this. “Or…” Dwayne continued, Jake becoming more tense, wondering what the hell he was going to say next, “…he finally figured out who to toss the ball to, and I took care of it.”

Jake shook his head, smiling as he sat, the crowd cheering and laughing. “Jeez, we are not going to get that guy’s head through the door tonight, or worse, he may just float away,” he whispered, sitting down next to Jordan, who nodded in agreement.

Jake turned to Rakell, snaking his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her gently, his eyes catching on her breasts that were pushing against the gold-ribbed sweater. She had taken off her vest, and her breasts grabbed his attention, the material just thin enough to see the outline of her lace bra and the indentations her nipples created against the fabric.Fuck, he thought as his cock responded to his eyes’ view.

Dwayne had finished speaking, so Jake leaned over and told Rakell he was going to get them a couple more glasses of wine. He needed to get out of there because the longer he looked at her, the harder his cock got, and the bulge in his jeans wouldn’t be easy to hide.

“Mmmm…okay.” She ran her hand down his arm. “Like your sweater. Did the sales clerk suggest you get one of every color?” Her voice sounded sultry to him, catching him off guard in his aroused state.

“Whoa… careful, Sweets…careful.” He forced a strained smile, standing, thinking he had to get away from her touch.

Her eyes wide, she shrugged her shoulders innocently.

Still looking at her, furrowing his eyebrows, “Sure,” he said, laughing.

When he returned with two glasses of chardonnay, she was standing in a group with Winnie, Jenae, Jordan, and Delilah. He handed her the white wine, and again, his eyes couldn’t help but go to her breasts. He wasn’t sure if he was going to get through this night, he thought, taking a long swig of wine. He saw her mouth moving, but his eyes were busy moving up and down her body, landing back on the large mounds pushing against the sweater. Shit, he wished she’d put her vest back on. “Jake, what was the name of the French restaurant…Jake, Jake?”

Jordan nudged him. “Snap out of it.”

“Oh, sorry, sorry.” Jake jumped in, his eyes flitting around the group.

“Um, so what are you sorry for…staring at my chest or not listening?” A wry grin took over her face.

Laughter circled him as he reached for something to say. “Um, I…”Bawdy wench, he thought.

“Both, he’s sorry for both,” Delilah said, breaking the silence.

“Yep, pretty much,” Jake acknowledged.

Still grinning, Rakell cocked her head. “So never be sorry for staring at my boobs, but we do need to work on the listening part.” She laughed with the others.