“Got a fucking crush on Skyler?” another male voice taunted.

Picking up her pace as she turned the corner toward the restrooms, the voices seemed to be gaining, booming around her…almost cackling as they yelled, trying to get her attention. She heard their bodies rustling around her, their disjointed words, whistles, and chuckles as she sped up.


“Skyler cheerleader…”

“You should see her in a swimsuit…”

“Are you dating him…?”

“Turn around…”

Her gut clenched, nausea rolling through her stomach, breathing rapidly…Just get to the bathroom,she thought. She was almost there when she was halted by a guy holding a phone close to her face, talking… “Hey, look who’s out,” his overly animated voice slurred into the phone, holding it up to her. Then another guy came up to her side. “Holy shit, it is her.”

“Guess she’s out looking for another boyfriend.” They roared with laughter.

“Hey, are you that girl?”

She blinked, the phone cameras focusing on her face. “Please, please,” she uttered, “I…please, mate.” She shook her head madly. “Stop, I’m not her…please!”

“The accent! You’re right, George, it’s her!”

“I got her picture…” another guy yelled, looking down at his phone. Then more people seemed to move in behind them, camera phones circling her.

“Stop!” she screamed.

“Act like a lady. You’re on Insta-live,” a guy hissed.

“Fuck you! Leave me…” She pushed someone, then someone else nudged her side.

“Hey, hey…” Another guy edged his shoulder into her back.

“Hey, bitch, who do you think you are…just cause you’re doing Skyler…”

She whipped her head from side to side, surrounded by phones, blinking, overly animated voices escalating around her…her head spinning, she shielded her eyes. “Back the fuck away, asshole!”

“You’re on camera, babe…Skyler’s gonna see what a B you are!” a voice taunted.

She heard a female voice shriek, “Rakell!”Lana…please…“Rakell!” Lana’s voice was the last thing her brain held on to; she would later see the rest of the incident all over social media.

Disassociate, disassociate,the voice banged through her head, her eyes widening. Their bodies were so close she could smell beer emanating from them; someone grabbed her shoulder, then her mind went blank, her fist swinging, screaming, “Touch me again, motherfucker, touch me, fucking touch me.” Her fist made contact with someone, then multiple hands were on her, pushing her backwards. She stumbled, falling back, her butt thudding on the cement floor. She felt unknown hands beneath her armpits, lifting her to standing before she twirled around, fists in the air, trying to hit anyone that was within reach, tears blurring her vision.

“Stop, stop…” a familiar but far-off voice coaxed. “Turn those damn cameras off…” she heard some guy say into the air…

It’s Levi, she thought, but her brain had accelerated into panic mode and couldn’t match his voice to the person she knew…It translated as another guy, another one of them, closing in on her.

As she fought free of the arms holding her from behind, she thought she saw Lana next to a tall blond woman, both holding their phones out toward the guys. “Get the hell outta here, you stupid blokes,” Lana sniped.

“Hey, she hit me,” a guy said as he held his hand to his face.

The tall blonde yelled, “Yeah, I’m filming you now…so keep whining because that’s what I’m posting…”

Rakell twisted her torso back and forth, trying to jerk her arms from the hold on her, not realizing it was Levi helping her up from the ground. “Get the hell off me, get your fucking hands off me,” she yelled, breaking free. Then another man bellowed, telling the crowd to move out of the way. Through the film of tears coating her eyes, she saw the bathroom door only a few feet away and ran toward it. Frantically ducking into the bathroom, she slammed the door behind her and jammed the lock into place. Her body sagging against the door, she slid down, her ass landing on the hard floor. She lost herself in weeping hysteria. The muted calls on the other side of the door were beyond her brain's reach. The nausea that had inhabited her gut intensified, overtaking her whole body. Her lungs were gripped with a heavy dread, making breathing laborious. She dropped her head between her bent knees, sobs coming in waves.

Levi:Pick up the phone, Jake…Send

Levi:Jake, please—it’s Rakell, it’s an emergency…Send