He ran his fingers through her mussed hair. “You’re not so bad yourself. So let’s figure this out together.” His tone was re assuring.

He let a few minutes pass before kissing the top of her head. “Sweets, I’m going to clean up the kitchen and grab us a couple of waters, then jump in the shower—you gave me a workout.”

“Mm…think I’ll take a shower, too.”

“Jump in, and I’ll join you”—he heard her huff—“ for a quick shower.”

“Thank God,” she said, hearing the trail of laughter as he made his way down the hall. She’d waited until he slid out of bed before rummaging through her luggage for toiletries and something to sleep in.

After brushing her teeth, she jumped in the shower.

When she jumped out, Jake handed her a towel and her robe. “That was quick,” he said.

“Yes, trying to make sure I actually get to sleep tonight,” she said, arching her eyebrows, grabbing the towel from his outstretched hand, and drying off quickly, feeling his eyes on her. Then he helped her slip on the robe. “Do you have a T-shirt I can borrow to sleep in?” she asked.

The corner of his mouth twitched. “Didn’t bring anything to sleep in?”

“Well, not anything you’d want to see me in,” she said, fighting back a smile.

Jake’s eyebrows drew in. “Yep, I could do without waking up to a number twelve jersey draped all over you.”

Her eyebrow arched. “Um, how did you know?” she asked, placing her hands on his bare pec muscles, feeling them tighten under her touch.

His cock alerted from the contact. “I was trying to change you into something to sleep in that night you had a little too much, but the sleep drawer only had lacy, sexy things and Tornadoes' shit, mostly jerseys with the number twelve. That’s why I just left the panties and bra on. Thought I might seem a lil’ pervy putting you in black lace. No way was I gonna put you in numbertwelve,” he explained. “Probably should have gone for the black lace.” He winked, leaning down to her open mouth and nibbling on her bottom lip.

“Stop, you were snooping in my underwear drawer?”

“Not snooping, trying to be a Boy Scout,” he whispered in her ear.

“Mm…hmm, okay, I’ll spruce up my sleeping wardrobe,” she said, gently pushing him away. “You jump in.”

“Okay, T-shirts are in the top right drawer.” He stepped back toward the shower. “Also, the whole left side of the dresser is empty, so you can put your stuff in them,” he said casually.

“Oh, okay, um…okay.”

He heard the uncertainty in her voice, but he stopped himself from addressing it. When he stepped out of the shower, she was standing in front of the mirror, drying her face. She had on one of his white shirts and white lace panties. Her hair was piled high on her head in a loose bun.

He stared at her reflection in the mirror while he brushed his teeth, then back to his, thinking he needed to shave, reaching for the shaving cream.

She shook her head, touching the dark stubble on his jaw. “I like it,” she murmured, absorbing the expression in his piercing blue eyes. Still holding the shaving cream, both taking in the reflection of them together in the mirror as if it were a show. Their gazes intersected, both rapt, eager to see what would happen next in this story. Her hand dropped from his chin as he bent forward. Holding the can of shaving cream in his hand, he checked in with her reflection. Her eyes fixed on the mirror, watching him intently as he slowly—eyes peeled to hers—started squirting the shaving cream on the glass surface. Her lips popped open, making a big O before a short gasp left her mouth, following the line of white as he created a white cream heart on the mirror.

Your turn, Rakell, she thought, never moving her eyes from his reflection. She reached for her cherry red lipstick and drew a heart within his heart…both staring at it before she scooted next to him, letting her head drop to his shoulder, eyes on the mirror, thinking she could stare at their hearts all night long. Her smallish red heart encapsulated by his big white heart.

Finally, crawling into bed, he tugged her in close, her back to his chest. “Remember spooning?” he asked in a hushed tone. This felt real like they were moving into a solid phase…that step forward where daily activities were lived out as a pair.

“Mmm…the boat?”

“Yep, this is the snuggle version,” he whispered in her ear. “Sleep, Sweets, we’re getting up early.” For the first time since he’d locked eyes with this girl at the gym, he felt sated, cocooning her within his torso, knowing this love was the beginning of something life-altering for them both.

A few minutes later, they shifted against each other when her phone rang a second time. She sat up, looking toward the dresser, swinging her legs to the side. “I should get that.”

“It’s almost eleven…do you think it’s your mom again?”

“No, it’s after six in the evening in Australia. She’d be too drunk to call,” she said, nonplussed.

He was glad she had already jumped off the bed and couldn’t see the concern taking over his features. “Huh, okay...” He reached over to the wall by his side of the bed, flipping on the overhead reading lights.

Grabbing her phone out of her purse, still ringing, she said, “Ana, it’s late…but I know you were at that party tonight with everyone. What’s up?”