Antonio snaps to attention. “Mom? You’re not on my side? You’re a stickler for the rules.”
“I know,” she says, coming over to stand on my other side. Two generations of women standing side by side, showing strength. I have to fight back the urge to cry. “I kept quiet when I saw what was happening to Cecilia. I saw how miserable she was whenever Salvatore was around. I knew she’d be miserable being married to him. I kept silent because I knew it was her duty to this family. But I’m starting to learn that duty to this family means nothing if this family doesn’t stand together. We stood together against Franco. You killed him, Antonio, to save all of us. You fought tooth and nail to do so.” Antonio flinches at her words, but that doesn’t stop Mom. She continues. “So, be here for this family. Spare Theo’s life. I might not agree with Theo and Cecilia being together, but it’s done now. They’ve made their decision. I’ve made some mistakes as a mother, but one thing I’m sure of is that I’m proud of all of my children. So, Antonio, don’t make me take back what I just said. Make me proud.”
Antonio stares at our mom as if the rest of us have disappeared. “Ma, I …”
“I know,” she says in a soft voice as she places her hand on her cheek. “I understand you’re facing insurmountable pressure. Your father felt it, too. But he kept this family together.”
“He died,” Antonio says.
“Which wasn’t his fault. Franco fractured us. He made you go into hiding for five years because he wanted you dead. You have the power to change things for the better. You don’t needto expand at the moment. You don’t need loads of money. You didn’t have any money when you were in hiding, but that didn’t stop you from growing strong. Be a strong leader now. Show your men you can inspire loyalty in them by showing mercy. You’re not weak, Antonio. Far from it. But I do think you’ve lost your way.”
Antonio lets out a rough breath. “So, what do you suggest I do?”
“What Emilia said. Fight Theo. If he wins, let him stay. He’ll become a part of this family, and anyone who tries to take you down because of it will learn what it’s like to go up against a Moretti. You will put anyone in their place for speaking out against you. But if you win, you can banish Theo. Cecilia and he will never be together, but he’ll be alive, at least.” Mom looks at me as she says this. “It will hurt, but it’s the best decision.”
I nod through the tears streaming down my face.
“So, what do you say?” Mom asks Antonio. “Have the fight, Antonio. Show your men you’re a leader they can respect, not one to fear. Don’t be like Franco.” She touches the pendant around his neck. “Be like your father.”
Antonio sucks in a quick breath. His eyes are wide, and his cheeks are flushed. He looks shocked by the power the women in his family are exhibiting.
“I’m not sure,” he says after a beat.
Before my heart can break, Emilia stands up straighter and says, “We’re here for Cecilia. Remember that.”
“Me, too,” Gemma says.
“I’m here, too,” Francesca adds.
Mia walks forward and grabs my hand. “I’m here, too.”
The twins, who probably don’t have a full understanding of the situation, walk in front of me, their heads held high.
“We’re here for our sister,” Lucia says in her clear voice.
“Always,” Luca adds. I’m sure the talk of Franco hurts him, but he’s standing strong, and I’ve never been prouder of my baby brother.
Antonio looks at every one of us. His entire family.
“You can call Nina,” I say. “Ask her what she thinks about it.”
Antonio shakes his head. “I know what Nina would say. She’d tell me to listen to my mom and siblings. She’d tell me I was being stubborn and … stupid.” His lips curl slightly. “She’d agree with all of you.”
“Marco would, too,” Emilia says.
“So would Leo,” Francesca adds.
Gemma chuckles. “You all know Viktor loves a good rebel. So, go against the grain, Antonio. Don’t take the easy route by killing Theo. Stay strong and fight him, man to man.”
Antonio meets my eyes and stares at me for a few seconds. I don’t dare move. All I can do is plead with Antonio through my eyes.
“We were best friends,” I tell him. “Still are. Please.”
He finally breaks.
Antonio leans against the car with a heavy sigh. “Okay. I’ll agree to the fight.”
All the strength in my body leaves me. Emilia is the only reason I don’t fall to the ground. I turn to Theo with a smile. He’s watching my family with awe.