“What is it?” I ask.
Antonio stares at the ground for a moment. “I just got a call from one of Salvatore’s men. His cousin to be exact. He wants revenge for what Theo did.” Antonio lifts his head up. “Theo, they have your mom.”
Antonio’s words shock me to my core. “What do you mean they have my mom?”
“That was Lorenzo Fontana, Salvatore’s cousin. He’s taken over now that Salvatore is dead,” Antonio explains. “He wants revenge for you killing his cousin. He has your mom. He’s willing to do a trade. You for your mom.”
“Let’s go,” I growl.
Cecilia grabs my arm. “Theo, wait. Salvatore’s cousin will surely want to kill you. I thought you were going to die today, and now, you’re free. But if you go after Lorenzo, he’ll kill you.”
“It’s my mom,” I say to her. “I have to save my mom.” I kiss Cecilia hard on the lips. “I love you. You know that. I want to spend my life with you. But I have to save my mom.”
“I understand,” she whispers, blinking back tears.
“Do you know where she is?” I ask Antonio.
“I do. Lorenzo told me if you wanted your mom to live, meet him in Central Park. He didn’t specific anything else.”
“Then let’s go,” I say, walking out of the ring, even though my entire body is exhausted from my fight with Antonio. Glancing over, I can tell Antonio is struggling to move as well. But I can’t stop. Not for my mom.
“You’re going alone?” Cecilia asks. “You can’t. I’ll go with you.”
“No,” both Antonio and I say at once.
Cecilia blanches. “Like hell,” she snaps. “I’m going. I’m a part of this, too, now. If Theo is going to die, I want to be there for him.”
Antonio turns to me. “It’s your choice. I’ll go with you to make sure Lorenzo honors the deal and doesn’t kill your mom. I don’t want Cecilia there, but …” He sighs deeply. “I’ve learned recently that it’s not a good idea to boss my sisters around.”
“Cecilia,” I say. “I can’t worry about both you and my mom.”
Emilia walks over and grabs Cecilia’s hand. “We’ll make sure she’s okay.”
Cecilia looks like she wants to object, then shuts her mouth before hugging me. “Okay. I get it. It’s just hard to lose you when I just got you.”
“Me, too,” I say into her ear. “I’ll try to make it out alive. For you. But I can’t sit back and let my mom die because of me.”
“I know. And that’s why I love you. You’re such a good man.” She pulls back, kisses me, and turns to her brother. “Try to save Theo. Please, Antonio.”
“I’ll do what I can,” he says. “But I’m making a huge exception for you and Theo. I’m not sure how I can convince Lorenzo Fontana to forgive Theo for killing his cousin.”
“Try,” she says.
Antonio squeezes Cecilia’s arm. “I’ll try. Now, go with Emilia. Theo and I have this.”
Emilia guides Cecilia over to their other sisters. I give Cecilia one last lingering look before following Antonio and some of his men out of the club.
“What’s the plan?” Killian asks, coming with us.
“Save Theo’s mom,” Antonio explains. “Theo, you’ll have to face the consequences for your actions.”
I stand up taller. “I know. And I’m prepared to.”
With Antonio and Killian, we head to Central Park. Once we get there, I have no clue who I’m looking for, but Antonio points Lorenzo out as we reach the Bethesda Fountain.