Page 62 of Unholy Union

Mom sighs, resting her chin on my shoulder. “I can’t say what God wants. I can only say what Antonio wants. And what Antonio wants is for you to marry Salvatore.”

“Why does it always have to be about Antonio? Why does he get everything? The power, the beautiful wife. Why do I get nothing. I don’t get love. I have to marry an old man. And I have no say in my life?”

“Because he’s a man, and this is a man’s world. I’m not happy either. Goodness knows I would never have chosen Salvatore for you. But it’s happening, and you’re strong to go through with it.”

I meet her eyes in the mirror. “You really think I’m strong?”

“One of the strongest. All my kids are. You’ve all been through so much in your lives, losing your father at such a young age. Emilia was strong because she married a man she’d never met for this family. Gemma was strong because she survived getting kidnapped. Francesca is strong because she delivered Emilia’s baby and saved Antonio when he was in trouble. I didn’t male things easy on her, unfortunately. And even Antonio is strong. He survived five years on his own without our support, all while Franco was trying to kill him.

“And now, you,” she continues. “You’re marrying a man you hate. If that doesn’t take strength, I don’t know what does.”

“If my siblings can do it, I guess I can, too.”

Mom rubs my shoulders. “Now, let’s get to the church. I assume you want to get this over with.”

“I do.”

When I walk downstairs and Theo sees me in my wedding dress, his eyes widen. “You look …” He stops when he sees my mom at my side. “Shall we get going?” The softness in his eyes hardens, and a determined look overtakes them. I want to ask him what he has planned for later today, but I’m too scared.

Theo drives us to the church. I notice his eyes in the rearview mirror every now and again, looking back at me. I should be wearing this dress while marrying Theo, not Salvatore.

Mia is in a simple blue dress, while the twins are in matching black outfits. Mom looks stunning in her gold dress. I’m meeting the rest of my siblings at the church.

When we get there, I see Emilia waiting on the front steps by herself. I get out of the car and approach her. She’s gorgeous in a gauzy pink dress.

“Emilia,” I say as she pulls me into a hug.

“Cecilia, when Mom called last night to let me know the wedding was moved to today, I felt bad.” She pulls back. “I know this isn’t what you planned.” Her eyes flick to Theo behind me as Mom, Mia, and the twins head inside the church.

“Gemma told me,” Emilia whispers.

“Of course, she did,” I mutter. “Are you going to judge me for going against my duty?”

“I would never. I don’t approve, but … I also don’t think you should have to marry Salvatore. I can see how unhappy you are right now. Like you’re walking to the gallows instead of your wedding. Just know I’ll be here for you, no matter what. Ok?”

“Thank you.”

She holds onto my arm as we go inside. “I have to take my seat now,” she says. “Marco’s waiting for me. I’ll see you in there.” She walks into the main part of the church.

Theo and I stay back. “What are we going to do?”

He gives me a simple kiss. “Trust me. Go through with the wedding. Get Salvatore’s trust. Then, tonight, we’ll leave.”

“He won’t be happy about his bride running off.”

“Just trust me,” he repeats before heading into the church.

Antonio finds me a few minutes later. “Ready?” He holds out his arm for me. He’ll be walking me down the aisle because our father is dead. A part of me wanted Theo to walk me down theaisle, but I knew that would only make Salvatore furious. And today, I need to appease him.

I glare at Antonio. “No. I’m not ready.”

He sighs, dropping his arm. “Cecilia, I’m sorry, okay? I don’t like doing this to you, but I need you to do this for me. For this family.”

“You owe me big time after this,” I grumble, sliding my arm through his.

A quick smile flashes across his face. It reminds me of when we were kids, and everything was easy and fun. We had no worries. “I promise.”

The church doors open, the music starts, and Antonio and I walk down the aisle. Salvatore is at the end, standing next to Father Enzo with smugness radiating off him.