Page 6 of Deceptive Union

“Why me?”

“Because you’re a Moretti. You have your father’s fire. I’d like to give you money to help you achieve the power I’m sure you’ve been looking for.”

Killian and I exchange a look. “What’s the catch?” I ask Petrov.

“I have a daughter in need of marrying.”

And there it is. “Uh, I’m not really the marrying kind.”

“Not even for millions of dollars? I want to see my daughter married to a man of high standing, and I’m offering the chance to help get you there. This marriage alliance would help protect both of us. What do you say?”

“I say I’d need to meet you daughter first.”

Petrov gently pats the table. “Done. I’ll set up a meeting so you can meet Nina. Just think of all the things you could achieve, Antonio, with my backing.”

It would be a lot. If I had Petrov’s support, I could surely take down Franco for good.

“Here’s my number.” He writes it down on a napkin and slides it over to me. “I’ll call you when the meeting is ready to go. Trust me, Nina would make a great wife. And it’s a small price to pay for power.” He slowly gets out of his seat and leaves the café.

“I … wasn’t expecting that,” Killian says. “So, where does this lead you and me?”

“I’m still interested in working with you. But it’s nice to have options.”

Killian chuckles as he gets up. “Keeping it honest. I like it. Just be careful with a man like Pavel Petrov. He has so much money to throw around, he doesn’t know up from down. I’m not going anywhere, Antonio. You and me? We’re the same. Men looking for a chance in life. Be careful with a man who would just give his daughter away like that.” He snaps his fingers.

“I’m willing to do anything to take back the power that belongs to me.”

Killian gives me a side-eye before he starts walking away. “That’s what worries me.”

I watch him leave, not bothering to pay attention to his words. I’m starting to make a name for myself so much so that Pavel Petrov wants to make a deal with me. That’s the miracle I’ve been waiting for.

I guess now all I have to do is meet my potential wife. Then all my dreams of power will come true.



“Nina, come here,” my father’s strict voice rings out. I look up from my sister’s math equations, and we share a glance.

Anna makes a face. “What does he want now?”

“I’m not sure. But he doesn’t like to be kept waiting, so …” I nod at her homework. “I’ll be back soon.”

Anna sighs, setting her chin on her hand and looking bored out of her mind. I remember what it was like to be thirteen and doing math homework. Not fun times. Now, at twenty, I no longer have math homework to worry about. My life has taken a different turn. I’m a young woman, expected to get married and pop out tons of babies before I lose the ability to do so. It’s been written in the cards for me ever since my father sat me down when I was around Anna’s age and told me that exact fact.

I walk through our elegant sixtieth-eighth-story condo that overlooks Central Park and head for my father’s office. After I knock on the door, he tells me I can open it. His office is larger than the room Anna and I share. It used to be the master bedroom, but my father insisted on having it turned into his office.

Pavel Petrov, the kingmaker himself. I’ve heard the rumors about my father—how he supplies money to men to help them gain power in New York. I don’t know all the details, just enough to surmise my father is involved in shady business. With silver hair that used to be blond, he’s a striking figure in his suit. His cheekbones are so sharp you could cut your hand on them if you touch his face. Maybe that’s why my mother hasn’t so much as looked at him in long time.

I share the same look as my father. Platinum blonde hair that’s almost white at times. The same striking features I’ve always been a little insecure about. I wanted to be soft curves, not harder lines, and that feeling has persisted into my adulthood.

“Yes, Father?” I ask, not stepping into his office. He hasn’t officially welcomed me inside yet.

“Nina, I have some news I need to share with you. Take a seat.” He points at the chair across his desk. When I do sit, I note how uncomfortable the chair is; all hard bones and no softness. Unlike my father’s high back leather chair that looks the epitome of plush, this chair is meant to be uncomfortable. He doesn’t like to have people stay in his office for long. Personally, I just think he likes to intimidate people.

“Nine,” he continues, steepling his fingers under his chin, “I’ve made a deal to secure you with great power someday. You’re going to get married.”

I let out a shaky exhale, trying to keep my face composed. I knew the day was coming when my father would make an arranged marriage for me. I was just hoping I’d have more time. I don’t want to leave Anna alone in this place.