“Wanna take the Camaro and head back to the packhouse?” I ask Jules, stroking her cheek with a thumb. “This part’s no fun, and you’ve done more than enough for this pack for one night. Why don’t you go home and take a hot shower?”
She nods in agreement, no doubt feeling as exhausted as she looks. Then she smirks. “If you’re quick, maybe you’ll get back in time to join me. I do hate showering alone…”
A growl rumbles in my chest as I scoop an arm around her waist, pulling her in for one more quick kiss. I palm her ass, squeezing her cheek as she melts against me.
“Okay, you’d better go so I can focus,” I grumble against her lips.
Juliet giggles, wriggling from my grip and backing toward the Camaro. “Yes, Sarge,” she sing-songs.
Sam rushes toward me as Jules climbs into the drivers’ seat of my car, revving the engine while I curse under my breath.
She’d better not put a scratch on my Camaro.
Then again, I wouldn’t mind an excuse to punish her.
My adrenaline must finally be waning, because exhaustion hits me like a lead weight when I park the Camaro in the underground garage at the packhouse and head inside. My mind feels a little fuzzy, my neck and shoulders stiff. The muscles in my thighs burn as I ascend the stairs from the garage, my breathing labored by the time I reach the landing at the top. I practically sigh in relief when I step through the door into the familiar foyer, hardly remembering a time I felt so glad to be home.
If Cole and I seal our bond, that’s what this packhouse will become to me, permanently.
No more Westfield. No more six-pack. When I return there, I’ll merely be a visitor. An outsider, like I was when I came here. Like I still feel I am.
On the precipice of such a major life change, I feel like I’ve got one foot in each world, struggling to decide which way to jump. I know how I feel about Cole, but it’s everything else that goes along with being his mate I’m unsure about. As Alpha, his priority, his loyalty, lies with his pack… and when push comes to shove, I’m not sure where I fit into that equation.
The titter of laughter filters down the hall from the living room as I start toward Cole’s wing of the packhouse, and I peek my head in the doorway to see my friends lounging on the couches, just hanging out like they don’t have a care in the world. Mike and Bryce are seated on one end of the large sectional with Ashlyn between them, Tobias and Tayla on the other. Eddie’s kicked back in the recliner beside the sofa with Kylie curled up in his lap, whispering something into his ear while he flexes his grip on her thigh. Shay’s the only one who looks less than relaxed, perched on the arm of the couch with her phone in hand, probably texting with Sam about everything that just went down.
She lifts her head when she sees me, a relieved smile coming to her lips. “Jules, hey.”
I give her a half-hearted wave, pausing in the doorway of the living room as the rest of them glance my way.
Tayla’s eyes drop to my blood-stained knees and she snorts a laugh. “I see you’re servicing our Alpha well.”
I roll my eyes, pushing off from the doorframe. “Fuck off, Tayla, I’m not in the mood,” I mutter, turning back to continue down the hall. Her responding laughter grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard, though, and I only make it a single step before I’m spinning around again, narrowing my eyes on Tayla cozied up beside Tobias. “Why are you here, anyways?” I scoff, eyeing her with distaste. “Didn’t Cole ban you from the packhouse?”
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Tayla grins smugly at that realization. “I earned my privileges back,” she clucks, flipping her hair over a shoulder and sliding a glance to Kylie. “I told you he couldn’t stay mad at me for long.” She slides her gaze back to me, smirking. “He never does.”
Her insinuation makes my blood boil. My wolf pushes forward with a growl as I advance a step into the living room, glaring daggers at Tayla. “You’d better watch the way you talk about my mate.”
“Yourmate?” Her eyes drop to the junction of my neck and shoulder, narrowing as they return to mine. “Funny, I don’t see a mark on your skin staking his claim. Looks to me like Alpha’s keeping his options open.”
My wolf claws at my insides, demanding to be let out. I have no doubt that if I unleashed her right now, she’d tear Tayla’s ugly face clean off.
Can’t say I’m not tempted.
Instead, I take a steadying breath, folding my arms tightly across my chest and leveling her with a murderous stare. “And let me guess, you think you’re one of those options?” I ask with a wry laugh.
Tayla shrugs, shifting her weight to sit up straighter and pushing out her huge fake tits as if that’ll somehow intimidate me. “Cole and I have history.”
“Ancienthistory,” I mutter.
She barks a laugh. “Sure, if six weeks ago is ancient.”
My fists clench and unclench at my sides as my temperature rises.
Stay cool, Juliet.