Page 109 of The Denver Alpha

I raise a fist to my mouth, coughing to clear my throat, and Juliet looks back at me with a playful smirk. “You, too,” she adds, batting her lashes coquettishly. “Thanks, Daddy Cole.”

My eyes darken. “We may have to try that nickname on later tonight,” I growl. “Much better than Sarge.”

“Aw, but you’ll always be my Sarge,” she croons, turning back to the clothes and pulling a hanger down containing a pale yellow sundress. “Ooh, this one’s super cute,” Juliet comments, running her fingers over the gingham fabric.

It just so happens that it’s also the precise style of dress that’s sure to drive me absolutely crazy with her in it. She knows I’m a sucker for that sweet, innocent, girl nextdoor look- and she throws me another smirk that says as much when she declares, “I think I’ll wear this one.”

“Good choice,” I rasp, eating her alive with my stare.

She smiles sweetly. “I do need underwear for this one, though.”

I step away from the doorframe, flicking my head toward the dresser in the bedroom. “Top drawer.”

She beams, brushing her fingertips across my chest as she passes me to exit the closet and make her way to the dresser. “You’ve really thought of everything,” she says as she sets the dress down on top and pulls the drawer open, surveying its contents. She shoots me a look over her shoulder. “Or I guess I should say, Shay did.”

“I actually picked those out myself,” I murmur, keeping my distance while I watch her rummage through the drawer.

“I’d love to see you in a lingerie shop,” she snorts.

“I shopped online,” I say coolly. “Local place, same day delivery.”

Juliet selects a lacy white set, spinning around with the bra dangling from one finger and the panties from another. “You gonna watch me put them on, too?” she asks, waggling her brows.

“Not if you want to make it to breakfast.”

Desire flares in Juliet’s eyes, the silver of her wolf swirling. Then she drops her towel.

I bite down on a knuckle to stifle a groan, turning away while she giggles in amusement.

It’s not my fault the girl’s fucking irresistible. I stare at the wall, resisting the urge to turn back around. Knowing that if I do, there’s no way I won’t fuck her again. Every minute is torture while I wait for her to get dressed, tryingnotto picture the way that white lace must look against her suntanned skin. Then finally, I hear the pad of her feet against the floorboards, feel the tap of her finger on my shoulder urging me end my self-imposed exile, turn back around, and face her once more.

I do, and the sight of her knocks the air from my lungs. How the fuck did I land a girl like Juliet?I throw up a silent prayer of thanks to Fate while my eyes feast over her appearance. The top of the dress clings to her like a second skin, flaring out at the waist and ending at her mid-thigh. She’s fresh-faced, hair still damp, her natural beauty shining through like a beacon.

Sunshine.That’s what she looks like, dressed in pale yellow. And I consider myself lucky to bask in her rays.

“You’re perfect.”

A rosy blush stains her cheeks as she waves me off. “Charmer.”

Hey, I’ll take it. Better thanassholeorprickor any of the other choice words she’s been known to sling my way. Though I’m sure those are coming as soon as she sees what’s waiting for her downstairs; the party I conveniently forgot to tell her we’re hosting.

“Shall we?” I ask, gesturing toward the door.

Juliet nods, allowing me to take her hand and lead her from the room, down the hall. By the time we reach the bottom of the stairs, the dull roar of a crowd is evident. She yanks her hand out of mine, head snapping sideways, eyes going wide. “Who’s here?”

“The pack.”

She grabs onto my arm, fingernails digging into my skin as her eyes widen even further. “Cole, what did youdo?” she hisses through gritted teeth.

“I… might’ve forgotten to mention we’re having a party here today,” I reply with a wince. “It’s an annual thing, for the end of the summer.”

I slip an arm around Juliet’s shoulders as I see the panic rising in her eyes. “Don’t worry, they’re gonna love you,” I say, starting forward again and steering her along with me. “You need to meet everyone at some point, right?”

“Right,” Juliet echoes, the muscle in her jaw feathering as she grinds her molars. “But you could’ve at least warned me.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” I tease. “This is step four, babe.”

She shoots me an icy glare right before we emerge from the hallway to enter the fray. The packhouse is brimming with people, the roar of their chatter deafening. Sam and Shay spot us right away, making a beeline toward Juliet and I as Sam mutters, “it’s about time.”