Page 27 of Pride

The elevator behind me in the entryway beeps. Seconds later, the doors slide open to reveal Salvatore.

“This better be good,” he grunts. “I was right in the middle of a crap when you called.”

I motion for him to sit down next to Marco. “I wanted to go over some business. I’m staying over at the Mucci mansion for the time being, so I may not be as available at the office for the next few days. I wanted to take care of things here, and make sure we’re all on the same page.”

“Tribute’s coming up,” Salvatore says. “How’s business figures?”

“We just had our best quarter ever,” I reply, looking at Marco, who nods. “The boss will be receiving a huge tribute from the D’Agostino crew.”

Sal leans forward, elbows on knees. “Your Uncle Michael is not well enough to go pay tribute to Luca Pagano, Antony. You will have to go in his place.”

I nod. It will be the second time that I’ve served as the D’Agostino capo’s emissary. And in a way, it’s only right. A capo’s career relies heavily on how much money they can bring into the family. And I, with the help of my brothers, have made a killing for mine. I know it. Sal knows it. And most importantly, Luca Pagano knows it. In a way, I’m only taking the place that is rightfully mine — and will be soon.

When Sal called me back to Cleveland once I became an adult, he already had a plan for me to go into real estate. The fronts for the businesses I opened were also a means to rub elbows with the rich upper strata of Cleveland. Businessmen, politicians, socialites. Real estate has an air of legitimacy, even when what’s going on behind the scenes is anything but. When I brought Marco and Matteo here to work with me, their construction business just branched out from mine. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Phoenix Real Estate made a killing after the 2008 crash, and so did I. I was barely an adult, barely made. But I started making serious money for the family by making loans to cash-starved businesses. For the mob bosses, the global economic meltdown was only an advantage. We snapped up real estate in high-rent areas. Hotels, restaurants, cafés, you name it. We purchased properties at rock-bottom, invested black money in renovations, and then sold the properties at higher prices. It all looked legit, but under the table it was a perfect opportunity to launder huge amounts of cash.

We started racking up protection money, too, against gangs in the area. We may not be what we once were. But these days, no one in this town is gonna fuck with us. And you can take that to the bank.

I’ve got big plans for Cleveland. Just as soon as I’m officially the D’Agostino Capo.

“So, you’re staying at the Mucci place?” Sal asks. “Carmine oughta get back into town if he knows what’s good for him. People are gettin’ antsy with him gone.”

“Maybe Antony ain’t so anxious to get Carmine back here,” Marco jokes. “Being as how he’s got the run of the place over there. And full access to the Mucci princess.”

“Watch your mouth,” I warn him.

“Oooh, you falling for her, big bro?” Marco teases. “I know you’re engaged and all, but I didn’t figure you’d be so sensitive about her.”

Sal tuts. “Marco, have some respect for the man’s future wife.” He turns and fixes me with an appraising look. “You seem like you’re getting used to the idea. Good. Serafina Mucci is a good match. You two will make beautiful babies together.” He gives me a sly wink. “But sons first, eh? And plenty of ‘em.”

They’re pissing me off, these two, with their know-it-all faces.

“All right, enough of this talk,” I growl. “Listen, Sal, there’s another reason I called you here. Get on the men’s asses, will you, about finding out who ordered the hit on Carmine Mucci. I want results, not excuses. I want to know who went after the Mucci family, because now they’re my family, you understand? I don’t want any threat to Sera. I need to know she’s safe.”

I turn to Marco. “I want you to go to the safe house where Carmine and his wife and Sera’s sister are. Matteo’s been out there long enough. Go take his place out there, give him a break for a few days.”

But Marco shakes his head. “I was way ahead of you on that, Antony. I already talked to Matteo about it. But he said no. He said he doesn’t want to be relieved. Said he’s good out there, he’ll stay a while longer. Says the family feels safe with him there.”

Marco’s words take me by surprise. Neither one of my brothers are fans of the country, probably as a result of being stuck out in bumfuck Ironwood for most of our adolescence. I would have expected Matteo to jump at the chance to come back to Cleveland.

“Fine,” I say, shrugging. “Leave Matteo out there if he thinks it’s best. But keep in touch with him. And both of you, let me know if you hear anything out on the streets that we should be concerned about. We gotta keep a lid on all of this until everything blows over.”



Iwatch out the window of my bedroom as Antony drives away from the house the next morning. A sinking feeling deep in my stomach catches me off-guard as his car disappears behind the high hedges at the edge of the property. Except for the staff and Daddy’s men, I’m alone.

You didn’t want to see him after last night. He’s only doing what you hoped he would do when you didn’t go down for breakfast.

Still. It’s funny how my parents and sister being away didn’t make the house feel nearly as empty as it does after Antony has gone.

I spend most of the morning wandering back and forth in my suite of rooms, trying to occupy myself. First I sit down with a book, but I’m too antsy to read. Then I turn on the television and flip through the channels, but there’s nothing on. I open up my cell phone, but social media doesn’t offer any relief, either. Most of my “friends” aren’t people I’m close to, just acquaintances from high school and college. Their lives are so unlike mine that watching their posts and pictures just makes me feel like anexotic zoo animal or something. I click out of an app and toss my phone on the couch next to me with a loud sigh.

I may as well do what I have been putting off: go downstairs to Daddy’s office and immerse myself in work.

I dress myself professionally for the day, because I have a meeting later, so I do have to leave the house. I wander into my walk-in closet and find a pair of simple gray pants, exquisitely tailored to be both businesslike and attractive. I pair them with a crisp white button-down shirt, with cuffs that I roll up to mid-forearm. My favorite pair of diamond studs go in my ear, and a pair of comfortable but elegant black pumps completes the look.

Downstairs, I take a moment at the bottom of the staircase to listen for sounds of other people in the house. The only noises I hear are coming from the kitchen. I head in that direction.