Page 62 of The Night Island

The stepping stones led straight into the thickest part of the foliage. She could feel the energy in Phoebe’s pendant growing more intense. Excitement kicked up her pulse again. She decided to forget that she was irritated with Luke.

“This is the right direction,” she said, touching the crystal.

“You’re sure she’s still alive?”

Talia tightened her fingers around the stone and opened her senses. “Yes.”

“Keever’s device is pinging again,” Luke said. “Maybe we’re close to another door.”

He shoved aside one last massive leaf and they moved into a clearing created by the stone paving tiles. In the center of the space was what looked like a bank vault door inlaid in the floor. A metal plate set with a grid of crystals was embedded in the steel.

“This isn’t new,” Luke said, crouching to touch the door. “It looks like it was constructed and installed at about the same time as the conservatory and the lodge.”

The key device was pinging steadily now. The circle of black crystals sparked. The stones in the vault-like door blinked. Talia heard the muffled rumble of heavy gears. The vault door began to lift on massive hinges. A violet-and-green-tinged radiance glowed in the opening. Luke straightened, took the pistol out from under his jacket, and reached for Talia’s arm. He tugged her back a few steps.

“If a big green tentacle comes out of there I may need my fainting couch,” Talia warned.

“I’ll join you,” Luke said. He did not take his attention off the opening. “According to my research, there was a time back in the middle of the last century when a lot of people built underground fallout shelters in their backyards in case of a nuclear war. I’ve never seen one, but maybe that’s what this is.”

“A fallout shelter inside a conservatory?” Talia shook her head. “Seems weird.”

“This whole island is weird.”

The vault door was several inches off the ground now. A flight of glowing blue steps appeared. The eerie violet and green radiance issued from the depths, carrying powerful currents of energy and the scents of rich, moist soil and vegetation.

The vault door clanged to a stop, now fully open.

“Not a bomb shelter,” Luke said. He moved closer again and looked down the steps. “An underground conservatory, or maybe a grow house.”

Talia joined him. She could see the fronds of some massive ferns near the bottom of the blue staircase. “Those definitely aren’t marijuana plants.”

“No, they’re not.”

Talia felt the pendant shiver. This time when she touched it there was no static. The vibe was clear.

“Phoebe is down there, Luke.”

“Of course she is,” Luke muttered. “Why would this case not get even more complicated? All right, I’ll go first. Stay close. Keep the pepper spray handy. If I say run, don’t ask questions, just do it.”

“What makes you think I’d ask questions if you yell run?”

“I’ve come to the conclusion that you don’t take orders well.”

“I may have a few character flaws, but I’ve also got a strong sense of self-preservation. Don’t worry, if you yell run, I’ll run.”

“Good to know.” Luke considered briefly. “It’s going to be hot down there. Might as well leave our jackets behind. I’ll put the camera in my pack.”


She gave him the camera and then peeled off her parka. She was careful to leave the garment on the stone tiles, a couple of feet from the nearest plants. Luke removed his jacket and then handed the key device to her.

“You’re in charge of this gadget,” he said.


Pistol in hand, Luke started down the steps. Talia took a deepbreath and followed him into the glowing depths. The damp heat intensified rapidly as they descended. So did the strange light. The eerie glow emanated from the walls and the high ceiling, revealing a jungle of tightly packed foliage. The plants were bioluminescent, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.

She tightened her grip on the device and told herself to breathe. She could do this. Panic was not an option.