Page 60 of The Night Island

Octavia was on the front steps of the cabin she shared with Clive. She was sobbing, her arms wrapped around her waist.

Talia went forward quickly. “What’s wrong, Octavia? Are you hurt?”

She started to put a comforting hand on Octavia’s shoulder but stiffened when she sensed the frissons of cold, dark energy seeping out the open door of the cabin.

“Oh, shit,” she whispered.

Luke was already easing past her. He went to the door and disappeared inside.

“I hate this place,” Octavia said. Rage seethed in the words, mingling with the tears. “I told Clive we should never have come here. But he wouldn’t listen. It was all about the money, you see. The last big score, he said.”

Luke reappeared in the doorway. His cold, hard eyes told Talia that whatever had gone down inside the cabin was bad. Nathan Gill was behind him. He, too, looked grim.

“Clive Venner is dead,” he said, his voice flat and tense. “Looks like a heart attack or a stroke.”

“Same as the assistant gardener,” Marcella whispered. “What are the odds? Something terrible is going on here.”

Octavia clenched her hands into fists. “There is a malevolent force on this island. It’s going to murder all of us. We have to get off.”

Talia put her fingertips on Octavia’s arm. “Let’s go to the lodge. I’ll make some tea.”

“Don’t touch me.”Octavia jerked back as if Talia’s fingers were live electrical wires. “Get away from me. I don’t trust any of you.”

Talia went back down the steps.

Luke looked at Nathan. “You’ll need help with the body. We can put it with Keever’s.”

Slick, Talia thought. Nathan’s reaction might tell them if he was aware that the assistant gardener’s body was no longer in the cabin.

But there was no chance to analyze Nathan’s response, because Octavia spoke first.

“Leave Clive’s body where it is,” she said. “I am not going to spend the night in this cabin. I’ll move into the lodge until the ferry gets here tomorrow.”

“Assuming there is a ferry run tomorrow,” Oliver muttered.

“All right,” Nathan said to Octavia. “I’ll help you pack a few things for tonight.”

Octavia nodded once in brusque agreement and followed Nathan into the cabin.

“Good idea,” Marcella announced. “I’m going to go back to my cabin, pack my things, and move into the lodge with Octavia. I don’t want to be alone.”

“I’m with you,” Jasper said. “Safety in numbers and all that. The cabins are too isolated. I’ll pick up my stuff and meet you in the lodge.”

“I’ll join you,” Oliver Skinner said. He looked at Luke and Talia. “What about you two?”

“Talia and I are going to stick together in our cabin,” Luke said. “We’ll join you for dinner.”

“Suit yourself,” Oliver said. “But we don’t know what the fuck is going on here, and Jasper is right. There’s safety in numbers.”

“You’ve got a point,” Luke said. “We’ll think about it.”

He took Talia’s arm and steered her back through the labyrinth gardens, heading toward the cabin. She waited until they were out of earshot of the others before speaking.

“Let me guess,” she said. “Another death by paranormal means?”

“That’s what it felt like,” Luke said. “But I can’t be absolutely certain. It’s not like I’ve had a lot of experience detecting murder by paranormal means, Talia.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to grill you.” She touched the crystal at her throat. “I’m still fumbling along with my new talent, too. Hmm.”