Page 44 of The Night Island


Shocked, she turnedher head to stare at him. “Bullshit.”

“I don’t have any solid memories of my lost night but I sometimes hear voices in my dreams.” Luke got to his feet and began to prowl the narrow space in front of the bed. “Two men talking. The first one says,‘Subject A is not responding. We will have to terminate.’The second one says,‘Wait. He may pull out of it. We can’t afford another failure. He’s worth a fucking fortune.’The first man says—”

A chill raised the fine hairs on the back of Talia’s neck. “Go on.”

“The first man says,‘Only if he’s a success. If he does survive there will be a high probability of insanity. The client is paying for a psychically enhanced assassin, not a monster with a lethal talent.’ ” Luke stopped at the window and looked out into the night. “They argue a bit more and then—”


“The two men scream,” Luke said. He gripped the edge of the window frame with one hand. “Not for long.”

She dug her fingers into the bedding on either side of her thighsand forced herself to breathe with Pilates control. “That does sound... problematic.”

“Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” Luke said.

He spoke in an unnervingly cool and detached manner. He was in professorial mode. But there was something else going on beneath the surface. Fear? Pain? Horror?

She pulled herself together and tried to focus. She needed answers. “Do you remember anything else?”

“In my dreams I see two men in white coats on the floor. They are both dead. Their throats have been cut. I walk through their blood.”

“That is awful.”

“It gets worse,” Luke said. “I told you that when I came fully awake I realized I had an object on me that indicated I had been in a medical setting.”

“A fingertip pulse oximeter.”

“That was true, but I had something else, as well. A scalpel.”

Ghostly fingers trailed a path down Talia’s spine. She reminded herself that she had known this man for only a couple of days. She forced herself to sit quietly while she processed the story.

“You say you see these scenes in your dreams?” she asked.

“Yes. But I’m sure they are real memories, Talia, not just images from a nightmare.”

The tension in the small confines of the cabin was a physical force, a gathering storm. Talia did not move. She watched the taut line of Luke’s shoulders as he studied the darkened gardens and knew that she was looking at a man who was trying to maintain his balance while walking along the edge of an invisible cliff.

Comprehension struck with the force of a small bolt of lightning.

She snapped her fingers. “So that’s it.”

Luke turned his head to look at her. “What?”

“You’re afraid that whoever drugged you and somehow enhanced your paranormal senses turned you into a version of Frankenstein’s monster,” she said.

He closed his eyes very briefly. When he opened them they glittered with stark certainty. “More like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

He nodded once.

She drew a steadying breath and straightened her shoulders. “All right, let’s think about this.”

“Trust me, Talia, it’s all I think about these days.”

“I mean from a logical perspective. How would you go about killing someone with psychic energy?”