Page 87 of The Night Island

“What about those keys that he’ll need to open the conservatory and the underground lab?”

“I mentioned that according to the rumors a unique device was required to access the old lab, but I didn’t say we left two of them in plain sight on the dock. I also warned him that there might be a mad scientist running around.”

“All in all, it’s a wonder he believed you.”

“It’s obvious he’s obsessed with all things Bluestone. Even if he doesn’t believe me he’ll feel compelled to check out my story.”

“You do realize that sooner or later he’s going to start wondering about your sources for those rumors,” she warned.

“There’s nothing I can do about that. I’ll just have to take my chances and hope my security and privacy protocols hold.”

“So once we get the new ID for Octavia, theLost Night Filesteam can go back to hunting for the people who kidnapped us.”


She rested her forearms on the railing, clasped her hands, andwatched the orcas for a moment before she turned her head to look at Luke.

“Can I ask why you were so concerned with maintaining your anonymity when you contacted the Foundation?” she asked. “I know you said you don’t want to draw the attention of the feds, and I agree that’s not a good idea, but I get the impression that you had other reasons for not wanting to make that call to Arganbright.”

Luke drank some coffee and lowered the mug. “If even half the rumors about the Foundation are true, it isn’t only in the business of securing the old Bluestone labs.”

Talia went cold. “What else does it do?”

“It maintains a quasi-police force that hunts down people with dangerous paranormal talents. People like me.”

“Well, shit.”

“My sentiments exactly.”


Shortly before sixo’clock that evening Luke took the glass of wine that Talia had just poured, opened the glass-paned door, and moved out onto the apartment balcony. He stood quietly for a moment, taking in the evening. It felt good. Normal. There was none of the eerie, disquieting energy that had accompanied night on the island. The buzz in the atmosphere here in Seattle was the familiar vibe of a busy city.

He turned and looked at the small group on the other side of the glass door. Phoebe and Octavia were on the sofa drinking wine and nibbling on the cheese and crackers Talia had prepared. Earlier she had contacted the concierge of the apartment tower to reserve one of the guest suites that management provided as an amenity. Phoebe and Octavia would spend the night there.

That opened up the question of where he was going to sleep, but he was not ready to raise the subject. Talia had not brought it up, either. He had no idea how to read her silence on the topic. Maybe she assumed things would go back to pre–Night Island status and offer him her podcast studio bedroom. Or suggest a hotel.

He was sure she was not thinking about the sleeping arrangements, because she was perched on a dining counter stool, her laptop open to display the delivery menus of nearby restaurants. Dinner first, relationship second. The woman had priorities. For some reason that made him smile.

A lot of things about Talia March made him smile, he realized.

The others were making plans to get on with their lives. Phoebe had commissioned the new identity packet for Octavia and paid extra for rush service. The new documents were going to be delivered tomorrow. As for Phoebe, she had made her decision. She was going to join theLost Night Filesteam. She was making plans to rent an apartment in the same tower as Talia. Her logic for moving into the building was that proximity would facilitate their working relationship. That made sense, but he was equally sure that Phoebe liked the idea of having someone she trusted close by. She liked the idea of being part of the podcast crew. He didn’t blame her.

He was done with hiding. Done with fighting the battle on his own. He was ready to go on offense with Talia and theLost Night Filesteam.

His immediate concern, however, was not his future in podcasting—it was his relationship with Talia. He felt as if he was treading water, waiting to see if she would throw him a lifeline or at least a hint that she envisioned a future for the two of them.

This wasn’t his fault, he decided. He wasn’t having commitment issues. When it came to Talia, he no longer had problems with the idea of a forever relationship. The treading-water sensation was her fault. He could not be sure if she even classified their association as a relationship. If she did, it was possible that her definition of one did not align with his.

The good news was that he was still afloat.

On the other side of the glass door, Talia apparently made the big decision. She got up, said a few words to Phoebe and Octavia, and then walked across the small living room and opened the door. She stepped out onto the balcony and closed the door.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Yes.” He took a fortifying swallow of the wine and lowered the glass. “Dinner decision made?”

“Yep, and I have to tell you, it wasn’t easy. I went through every interesting menu with Phoebe and Octavia and made my recommendations based on my experience with the various restaurants, but in the end, Phoebe said she wanted pizza.”