Page 100 of Reviving Hearts

I clicked on it, and it sent me to an Instagram video of Marley. It was her business page, and the caption of the video was My Love Story. Tingles ran down my spine. I pulled out my earbuds and pressed play, not sure what to expect.

I listened to her talk about her past, our history, and finally, our coming together a second time, and I was overcome with emotion. I almost wished I hadn’t listened to it because I couldn’t be with her. I had a six-hour flight ahead of me.

I watched it a second time before they called my flight on the overhead speaker. I tucked my phone away, needing to get to her and tell her how I felt. I couldn’t believe she’d shared her feelings online like that. She was so private about her past, so scared that people would judge her. I was so proud of how far she’d come. She was telling her followers to do the same, to be authentic,, and I loved everything about it.

It gave me hope that we were finally on the same page.

I fidgeted in my seat the entire flight, wishing she wasn’t so far away from me. I got why she had to come home, and I didn’t think she was running away from me this time. At least I hoped she wasn’t.

When we landed, I waited impatiently to disembark the airplane. I’d only packed a carry-on, so I didn’t have to wait for luggage. I’d gotten her address from my mom, who had it to send Christmas cards.

I scheduled a ride to her house, hoping she was there and okay with me showing up unannounced. The closer we got to her house, the more nervous I was. We might have said we loved each other, but this felt different.

It was the first time after I spoke with Aiden and got his okay. Not that it would have stopped me, but it was nice to have his support. But would Marley feel the same way, or would she push me away now that Aiden had decided he was coming home for good?

I was a wreck by the time my driver pulled up in front of her Malibu home.

“Nice house,” he said as I got out.

“Yeah,” I said absentmindedly as I made my way up the stairs to the front door. I rang the doorbell, hoping she was there and that I hadn’t missed her. What if she’d already gotten a flight to Maryland?

I ran a hand through my hair when she opened the door wearing jeans shorts and a tank top, her hair in a messy bun. “Heath? What are you doing here?”

“I had to see you.”

She opened the door and stepped back.

After I placed my bag inside the house and closed the door, I said, “I saw the video.”

Her eyes widened. “What did you think?”

“I loved it. I love you.” I lifted her in my arms, and her legs wrapped around my hips as I carried her through the house. In between kisses, she said, “Upstairs.”

I carried her up the stairs and into the room she pointed to before I laid her down carefully on the bed. There were windows on one side with a view of the ocean. The slider was open, the sound of the waves permeating the space.

I braced myself over her. “I didn’t mean to act like a caveman. I wanted to talk to you.”

Her lips twitched. “What about?”

“Aiden. That video.”

“You know I had to come here because of the flooding, right? I wasn’t running from you.”

I lowered myself so I could touch her. “I would have come if you’d asked.”

Her nose scrunched. “I wasn’t sure you would. Aiden was home. Things were awkward.”

“I talked to him,” I said as I rolled to my side.

She shifted onto one elbow. “What did he say?”

“I told him how I felt. How I’m in love with you and that I’d like his blessing, but I didn’t need it to move forward with you.”

Her eyes widened. “I can’t believe you led with that.”

“He wasn’t happy, but eventually he came around. I still have some work to do, but I think it helps that I’m in love with you, and I’m always going to take care of you.”

“Is that so?” she asked, amusement tinging her voice.