Page 51 of Reviving Hearts

It only solidified my belief that what I had with him was different, and not just the love of youth, but something that withstood the years since.

I made my way down the stairs, reveling in what he’d built. There were hardwood floors throughout that were cool on my bare feet and a beautiful wood railing with incredible detailing. I wondered if he’d made it or if it was Emmett’s work.

Heath stood in the fridge. “Do you want eggs? I can make an omelet.”

“That sounds good to me.”

He flashed me a smile. “Have a seat, then. It’ll just be a few minutes.”

I sat on the stool at the oversized island. The room itself was clean, as if he didn’t cook often or he was a neat freak. I never spent any time with him inside, so I didn’t know the basic things about him and his habits.

He cracked the eggs, whipping them before pouring them into the pan. My stomach rumbled again.

“What are you thinking about?” Heath asked as the eggs simmered and cooked in the pan on the stove.

“That it’s crazy we’re here.”

He leaned a hip against the counter and crossed his arms over his bare chest. His sweatpants hung low on his hips. Every muscle was well-defined, and I wanted to trace the dips and valleys with my tongue. “Crazy, but at the same time, inevitable.”

“How do you figure that?” I asked, curious as to his thoughts about us.

“We were too young that first time, but now we can explore a real relationship.”

“What about Aiden?” I asked, reluctant to bring him up but knowing I needed to.

Heath sighed. “I told him I would protect you. I can still do that while we’re together.”

“He won’t like it.”

“Aiden’s been gone a long time. I don’t know if he’ll get out this time or reenlist. We have to live our lives. We can’t live according to his dictates. If this thing between us feels right, then what does it matter what Aiden thinks?”

“Because he’s my brother and your best friend. You never wanted to risk the relationship.”

His jaw tightened. “I’m not saying it’s a great idea. But I like being with you. It feels too good to walk away from.”

How long would he feel like that? Would the guilt eventually take over, and he’d remember why we could never truly be together? Would I survive it this time?

“Are you worried about what your brother thinks?” Heath asked as he turned to the stove to check the eggs.

“Not really. He’s been gone for such a long time. And I’ve kept him out of my personal business.” At first, I didn’t want him to worry, especially when he was so far away. But then it became a habit. “What’s here for him now?”

Heath turned and his gaze settled on me. “You.”

I shook my head. I was never enough for someone to stay. I lived on Gram’s property, so she couldn’t leave, but everyone else did. Heath might not have physically left the area, but the breakup had the same effect.

I was alone. But I always knew that was where I’d end up. If I was enough for anyone, they would have stayed. I would have attracted one long-term boyfriend or friendship over the years.

“You don’t think he’s going to move back if he doesn’t re-up?”

“I doubt it.”

“What if he wants to run the inn?”

I laughed. “He’s a soldier. There’s no chance he’ll be interested in running an inn in the middle of nowhere.”

“With his sister and best friend?” Heath asked.

“Like I said, he doesn’t visit home often. I think he’ll move near one of his buddies. But it’s more likely that he’ll reenlist. He’s a lifer.”