Page 37 of Reviving Hearts

I liked holding her hand today on the couch. If I were dating her, I probably would have kissed her.

I didn’t want her to disappear to California again. I wanted to keep her engaged and present on the farm. I had a feeling if she wasn’t allowed to run away, she might make a different decision about the inn. That she might choose to stay.

Ireland would stay in touch with her about the events at the farm, and I’d be able to engage her with the renovations at the inn. I wouldn’t let her run away this time.

The bed dipped, and I wondered why. But I was too tired to move. Had one of my brothers stopped by with their puppies? Or maybe it was Addy, or even Ember. Occasionally, they surprised me because one of the girls wanted to spend time with their uncle. We each strove to be their favorite, and as a result, they got the best of us.

A cool hand touched my face.

“Addy?” I asked, my voice rough with sleep.

A snort and then a giggle slipped out. Then the covers moved as whoever it was fell onto the bed and rolled around.

Then I heard a shushing noise. “He’s sleeping.”

“But I want to play with him,” Addy said.

“Come on. Let’s make him breakfast, and as soon as he wakes up, he’ll be able to play with you.”

“Can we make pancakes?” Addy asked with excitement as she scrambled off the bed.

I opened my eyes with enough time to catch Marley with a smile on her face and her hand outstretched to Addy as she took it and followed her down the hall, presumably to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I wondered if Sarah and Knox were here, too, or if Addy had managed to sneak away. It was unlikely she was here by herself because my cabin was the furthest from Knox’s.

I listened to the voices downstairs, Marley’s softer one and Addy’s squeals of excitement. Marley must have offered her chocolate chips for the pancakes.

It was more common for me to wake up alone to a quiet house. Sometimes the sound was so deafening I put on music or the TV in the background.

But this, having my two favorite people in my house? It was priceless, and I wasn’t going to miss a minute of it. I jumped into the shower, ignoring my aching cock and the feel of Marley in my arms last night in favor of dressing quickly and heading downstairs.

Marley’s head lifted, and she smiled. “You’re up.”

“We were trying to be quiet,” Addy said seriously from her spot on the chair that was pulled up to the counter.

“I hate to break it to you, but I heard you when you were on my bed. Remember when I asked if it was you, and you giggled?”

“I didn’t think you heard me,” Addy said, and I merely gave her a look. There was no way someone wouldn’t have heard that.

“Where are Knox and Sarah?” I asked.

Marley smiled. “They went for a walk. I told them we could handle breakfast.”

“You didn’t have to do that. Especially since I wasn’t out of bed yet.”

“I don’t mind. Having Addy here is a ton of fun. Right?”

Addy nodded seriously. “I’m so much fun.”

I ruffled her hair. “You sure are. I love waking up to you.” Then I looked around. “Did you bring Comet with you?”

Usually, he would have woken me first with a tongue to my face.

“Mommy took him with her for a walk.”

I chuckled. “That’s good. He needs to get some energy out before we let him loose in my house.”

Addy giggled. “He’s good.”