Page 31 of Reviving Hearts

“That’s the plan.”

His eyes narrowed. “Then why is she adding a garden?”

“It was just something she mentioned as a possibility.” I got glimpses of her desire to possibly stay and make a go of running the inn. But I wasn’t positive that’s where it was coming from.

“I guess some rich family could move in and use it as their residence.”

I raised a brow. “It has ten bedrooms.”

“It could happen.”

“It’s more likely it will be torn down and developed into cookie-cutter modern houses with shoebox lots.”

Knox grimaced. “I’d hate to see that so close.”

“Me, too. But what control do we have over the situation? I’m sure her realtor wants top dollar. I’m not sure we can afford the place if she keeps adding things.”

“It’s a tough situation. I’d love to keep that property undeveloped, and an inn would be an amazing addition to the farm.”

“I agree.”

“You can’t convince her to stay and run it?”

“Why? Because it would be better for you and our family?”

Knox nodded.

“You know that wouldn’t be right. She has to do what’s best for her.”

“Aren’t you close with her now? You’ve been talking a lot since you started renovating the inn. Surely, you have some pull with her?”

I shook my head. “When she went back to California, she didn’t even answer my calls and emails. I don’t think she wants anything to do with this place. She only came back to finalize the estate.”

Knox groaned. “That’s not good for us.”

“I don’t think she’s concerned about that. For once in her life, she should think about what she wants and needs.”

“You’re talking like you know her intimately.”

I flushed, realizing my mistake. “I don’t. I just remember how awful her parents were. How they’d tear out of the house, yelling for her and Aiden over stupid stuff, and once they’d gotten inside, it continued. It was like they just wanted to take their frustrations out on their kids.”

“I didn’t know that,” Knox said.

“Maybe I ran the property more than you did back then.” Or I paid closer attention.

“I knew they weren’t the best. That Lila was frustrated with them for not being better parents, but I had no idea they yelled at them like that.”

“Aiden wouldn’t have talked about it, and back then, Marley liked to pretend everything was fine.” Even when we started hanging out more, she was reluctant to talk about it. But I knew she was struggling with living in that trailer, and it only got worse when Aiden enlisted.

“They’re gone now, though, right? They’re not going to come back and claim the inn as their own?”

“I have no idea, but from what Marley said, they were specifically excluded from the will. But does she want to keep it? It doesn’t look like she wants to live here, much less be tied to an inn.”

“She could hire someone to manage it. Ireland expressed interest in helping us if we got the property.”

“I don’t think Marley’s going to change her mind. This place holds too many bad memories for her.”

Knox sighed. “That sucks.”