Page 10 of Double Take

Marissa was frowning at him. “What are you doing? This isn’t negotiation protocol.”

“I know, but we’re running out of time and I need to get those kids out of there.” And hopefully, the mom. He’d even take Gerald alive, but that gnawing feeling in his gut said this wasn’t going to end exactly the way he wanted.

“And you think this is the—”

“Okay.” Gerald’s voice sent the radio crackling. “Yeah, okay. Li’l Bit can come out, but Katy-bug stays with me.”


“Take it or leave it.”

Marissa nodded and James sighed, then nodded back. “All right. I’m going to come up to the porch with the food. Give me a minute to take the little one’s out so one of the officers can feed her, but the rest is in the bag. Plus a little extra just in case anyone is still hungry.”

Moments later the door cracked open and James grabbed two bags of food in his left hand. The earpiece in his right ear sat snug in his canal and he’d be able to hear everything Luis or one of the others had to say—especially Buzz Crenshaw, his SWAT team member and sniper. “Buzz? You got a shot?”

“Negative,” came the instant response.

“Right.” James walked toward the front door. They’d formulated several plans over the last half hour and discarded them. He’d finally settled on one that was risky but would present the least amount of danger to the children. “Gerald? I’m here. Can you hand me L’il Bit and I’ll pass you the food?”Please don’t shoot me.

The door opened a little wider and he stared into the biggest—and oldest—green eyes he’d ever seen in a child. She had a rope around her waist and James knew he wouldn’t be grabbing her and running. “Hi,” he said, keeping his voice gentle so as not to scare her. “I’m James.”


“Are you Katy-bug?”

She nodded.

“You hungry?”

Another nod.

He couldn’t see behind her, so he knelt, knowing Buzz was watching all the windows for anyone who might be aiming a weapon in James’ direction. “Can you send your sister out?” He set the bags down in front of the open door.

She turned and spoke to someone out of sight. “He wants her.”

Soon, Katy pulled another little girl to the door and pushed her out. The child screamed and tried to go back in, but James caught her and turned sideways, protecting her from anything that might come from the house.

Like bullets.

She flailed against him, and it was all he could do not to drop her. For her own safety, he pinned her arms to her sides and held her. She continued her ear-piercing wails while he searched for a way to grab Katy. But with the rope around her, he was at a loss. Katy stepped forward, reaching for the bags. “Go to the bedroom window,” she whispered. “Hurry.”

“Get away from the door and shut it! Now!” Gerald’s voice bellowed from the inside.

The door slammed and James hoisted the furious two-year-old into a better position against his side and kept his back to the house while he carried her to safety. “It’s okay, baby. You’re going to be just fine.”

Once he’d passed her off to the officer with the child’s food, Gretchen calmed down and grabbed a french fry.

James walked over to Marissa. “I need you to take over.”


He handed her the radio. “Katy told me to go to the bedroom window—and to hurry—just before she shut the door.”

“Which one?”

“I’m assuming the only one at the back of the house.”

“You’re going?”