Page 85 of Double Take

“Hey,” he said, looking up at her entrance. “What’s up?”

“You got a minute?”

“Sure.” He pulled a chair over for her and she sank into it. “You ever figure out who left you that note in the on-call room?”

“No, not yet, but the person has escalated. He likes to play with fire.” She told him about the bomb at her house and the incident at the storage unit. “I’m hanging out here until James, one of the detectives you met, can come back and get me.”

“Holy cow, Lainie, that’s crazy.”

“Tell me about it. So, anyway, you mind if I stay close to this area?”

“Not at all. In fact, put my personal phone on speed dial. I’ll come running if you need something.”

“Well, hopefully, I won’t, but thanks.” She got his number programmed and hesitated. Then stood. “On second thought, since this office is so close to my workstation, I’m going to see if there’s anything I can do while I’m here, but would you pay attention to the cameras in my area and give me a heads-up if you see the guy anywhere?”

“Absolutely. I’ll take another look at his picture to get his face fresh in my head.”


She left the office and walked to her station, where she found Allison going over a chart. The doctor looked up at her entrance and frowned. “Hey, what’s up with you coming in on your days off?”

“I just can’t stay away, I guess.”

Allison narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Lainie?”


“Adam again?”

“Well, not Adam, but ... someone who looks like him is still trying to...” She shrugged. “He’s terrorizing me ... and occasionally anyone who happens to be around me.” She explained once more, and Allison’s brows rose higher and higher.

“Lainie, my friend, you need a bodyguard.”

“I’ve got one, in a sense. He’s just a little busy right now, so that’s why I’m hanging around here with people I know. I’m going to check my M&M cases and see if any of them set off alarms for me.”

“I recommend taking the laptop into the security office.”

“Think I’ll do that. Thanks.”

“Our glamping trip still on?”

“Of course. Stay tuned for details.” By then she had a feeling she’d either be dead or whoever was after her would be behind bars. “See you later.”

With the laptop tucked up under her arm and her eye on the people she passed in the hall, she was almost back to the security office when someone called her name. She turned to see Bridgette walking toward her. “Do you have a moment?”

The ice in the doctor’s eyes sent a shaft of wariness darting through her. “Okay.”

“I hear you like to warn men away from me.”

Lainie stilled. “What?” She hugged the laptop to her chest like a shield.

“Helen overheard a conversation you had in the ER with a patient.” Bridgette’s nostrils flared. “Very unprofessional.”

Lainie sighed even as heat crept up from her neck and her stomach churned with shame, but she’d own it. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said what I did, and I owe you an apology. I’m truly sorry and it won’t happen again.”

For a moment, the doctor simply stared at her like she wasn’t sure what to say. “My personal life is none of your business. It betternothappen again, or you won’t like the consequences.” With that partingshot, she was gone, striding down the hallway, heels clicking, shoulder-length hair swaying with each step.

Lainie let out a low breath and shook her head. She was racking up so many enemies lately, she’d have a hard time picking out the one most likely to want her dead. She stopped in front of the security office. James should be calling soon, and she’d need a private place to listen in to the conversation.