Page 70 of Double Take

“Okay, Otis, thanks for checking. I’d forgotten about Lydia.”

“Sure thing.”

She hung up and sighed, glanced at him, and frowned. “What are you thinking?”

“I think we have to consider the possibility that Adam is actually alive and what the Williamses believe is real.”

“But ... he’s ... andit’s... not.”

“Just track with me here for a moment. Going on the assumption that Adam is alive and believes you will come after him, what if he thinks he has to strike first? You said he was unstable, and angry. What if he’s still out there, planning to finish what he started?”

Lainie sighed. “Well, if Adam were still alive, then, yes, your theory would be a valid one. But he’s not alive, so...”

“Or ... this person seems to want you tobelievehe is.”

“Butwhy? What does he gain by making me believe Adam is alive?”

“I keep coming back to some kind of revenge.”

“Maybe. Makes my head hurt thinking about it. In the meantime, I’m still tracking down who did Adam’s autopsy. Otis said it wasn’t Lydia, so I’ll call—” She gasped as James turned onto her street, her fingers going back to the key at her throat. “Oh my—oh, James. That looks bad. Worse than what you said.” The tears in her voice cut him.

“It’s okay, Lainie. I mean, it’s not, but it will be. Just keep telling yourself it’ll be okay. We’ll get you through this.” He squeezed the fingers of her free hand, and she clutched him as she stared with unblinking eyes at the destruction.

Emergency crews were still there, having stayed through the night to make sure the fire was truly out. Neighbors whispered and pointed.

Cole broke away from the group he’d been chatting with and approached. James climbed out—carefully. His wound throbbed with a renewed intensity, but he was going to be there for Lainie if it killed him. She slipped out of the passenger seat and walked over to stand beside him and Cole.

Cole nodded to her. “I’m so sorry, Lainie.”

“That’s what everyone keeps saying.” She murmured the words, never taking her eyes from the sight. “But thank you.”

“We’re going to catch this person.”

“I know.”

She sounded odd. Distant. In shock? “Lainie?”

“I’m okay.”

She didn’t sound okay.

“There’s more, Lainie,” Cole said. “We found something in your mailbox. The door was open. One of the officers went to close it and saw this.”

She shuddered and looked at his partner. “Okay. What?”

“Another message.”

“A message?”

James studied her. Her voice still had an odd hollow ring to it, like she was responding on autopilot.

Cole glanced at him and James nodded. Cole cleared his throat and read, “‘I knew you’d come. Hiding only delays the inevitable. A bullet couldn’t stop me and neither will cops in disguise. I waited until she came out of the house before setting off the device. It was just a warning. Hide from me again and there will be no more warnings. Cheers, love. See you soon.’”

James shook his head. “Well, now we knowwhyhe blew up your house.”

“We do? Why?”

“To draw you out.” He moved closer and looked around. “He’s out there, watching.” James had no doubt the man had his eyes on her, and he didn’t like that. Not at all. He slid an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, putting himself between her and a bullet if necessary.