“To see what’s going on.”
“There’s something going on?”
“I don’t know. That’s what I’m going to find out.”
Steph set her book aside and stood. “Well, I’m coming too.”
Together, they walked out the door and down the deck steps to meet James and Keegan heading back toward the house. The look on James’ face slowed her footsteps.
“What is it?” she asked.
“He ... or someone ... followed us here.”
She froze. “That was him on the lake?”
“Possibly. I didn’t get a good look at anything but his back.” He shook his head, then nodded to the house. “Let’s get inside.”
She just noticed the object in Keegan’s hand. “What’s that?”
“A not-quite-dry footprint,” he said.
Steph’s gaze was going back and forth between her brothers and Lainie. “Why do I feel like I’m missing something?”
Lainie headed back the way she came.
“I’ll explain inside,” James said.
Once they were in the den, away from the exposure of the sunroom’s windows, Lainie planted her hands on her hips, her mind working to process this latest development. After bringing her friend up-to-date, she looked at James. “How did he follow us here? Does he have a tracker or something on your Jeep?” She pressed a hand against her stomach. “Me?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so, but we’ll check the car—and your purse?”
“I didn’t bring a purse, just my backpack, and I pulled it out of my closet to pack to come here.”
“Then it’s definitely not on you.”
“Do you think it’s safe for me to stay?”
“We’ve got good security here at the lake house as far as whereit’s located. With the lake at the back, fencing on either side, and the gated entrance to even get into the neighborhood, we really only have to keep an eye on the water. I think we should stay put for now.”
“I don’t know. I don’t want my presence to endanger anyone.”
“It’s not. And now that we knowheknows you’re here, we can be on guard. I’ve also got a call in to the local PD. They’re going to send some units to canvas the area and see if they spot him. The water police are also on alert, so I think we’re well covered.”
That did make her feel better. Somewhat. “And the detective at my home?”
“I’ll let her know she can leave.” He frowned. “I still don’t understand why our plan didn’t work. It should have.”
“You think he has some inside information about me?”
“You tell anyone what you were doing?”
“No.” She narrowed her eyes and pulled out her phone. “Could he have tracked this?”
James stilled, then ran a hand over his head. “Yeah. It’s possible, but that takes some sophisticated technology if you didn’t share your location with him. Which obviously you didn’t.”
“I only share my location with a few friends.” She gave a slight shrug.
“Like me,” Steph said. “And on that note, I’m going to help Mom in the kitchen. You can fill me in later on anything I need to know.”