Page 58 of Double Take

“I decided to come home for a while. Couldn’t miss the lake weekend, could I?”

“Dude...” He walked around to the driver’s side, and James climbed out of his Jeep to be enveloped in a hard hug. When Dixon stepped back, he shook his head. “You should have called or something. Given us a heads-up.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.”

His brother shot him a knowing look. “You mean you didn’t want to give Dad the opportunity to tell you not to come.”

Dix could always be counted on to tell it like it was. “And that.”

“The surprise was seeing you on the news and that you’re working with the department.”

“Oh. You saw that, huh?”

“I did.”

“Who else saw it?”

“Everyone. Eventually. Apparently, Steph knew you were here?” The reproach was clear.

“She’s only known since yesterday.”

“Well, the news has latched on to that story, bragging about their local hero. Dad saw it this morning.”

“I see.”

“Sorry, bro, he’s still being a pain about everything. But Mom’s another story. You might very well givehera heart attack showing up like this. She was thrilled you were back in town, but she’d never expect you to come today.”

James grimaced. “Why don’t you go in and give her advance warning?”

“Yeah. Why don’t I do that. Hang tight.” He handed the horse over to James, who ran his hand over the animal’s side while Dixon jogged toward the house.

Lainie walked over to join them, and James shot her a tight smile. “Have you met Jericho?”

“Of course I have. Jericho and I are good friends.” She rubbed his nose and the horse nudged her, looking for the treat she usually had with her. “Sorry, boy, I don’t have anything today.” She shook her head. “It still cracks me up that Dixon brings his horse to the lake like anyone else would bring their dog.” He’d even built a barn for the beast.

“That’s Dixon for you.”

The screen door slammed open. “James!”

His mother’s excited cry reached them, and he looked at Lainie. “And so it begins.”

“You’ve got this. Just hug her and assure her all is well.”

“Even if it isn’t?”

“Even if.” Footsteps pounded toward them. “She doesn’t know about your ribs. Brace yourself.”

He dropped the reins and his foot went back just as his mother threw herself into his arms. Lainie caught the slight wince before he wrapped her in a tight hug.

“Hi, Mom.”

Lainie snagged the leather reins. More for something to do with her hands than to keep the well-trained horse from bolting.

“Oh, James!” His mother stepped back and ran her hands over his face, then hugged him once more. “I thought Dixon was messing with me when he said you were out here.”

“I wouldn’t do that, Mom.” Dixon took Jericho from Lainie with pursed lips. “Seriously? She thought I would do that?” he muttered under his breath.

“Of course not,” Lainie said. “She was just dealing with her shock.”