Page 52 of Double Take

“Assuming he’s watching.”

He nodded. “True. But I have a plan for that as well. I want you to get in your car and drive toward the hospital. Go inside like it’s a normal workday. Savannah will meet you in the ladies’ locker room for your keys. She’ll be dressed in scrubs and have a wig that matches your hairstyle she’ll put on before she exits. I chose to ask her because she’s about your size. Maybe an inch or two taller, but from a distance, no one will know she’s not you. Once she exits and gets in your car and leaves, her partner will follow her, watching for anyone else who might be following her. Make sense?”

“It makes sense, but what if no one’s following?”

“Then she gets to your house and goes inside. She’ll turn lights off and on and make it look like someone’s home just in case.”

She pursed her lips and he was afraid she might refuse the idea, but then she gave a slow nod. “Okay, it sounds like all the bases are covered as far as keeping her safe.”

“Great. As soon as she gets the green light, she’ll head to the hospital. Also, it doesn’t look like the marshals are involved in this, so we’re going to run with a full-on investigation.”

“Not involved, huh? Shocking.”

“And, last, no prints on the receipt.”

“I do find that a little odd.”

“The tech thinks it was rubbed down.”

She blinked. “The receipt? Who does that?”

“I don’t know. It’s weird. I’m still thinking on it.” He smiled. “In the meantime, how about some food?”

“Food?” She pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m not sure I can eat.”

“You need to keep your strength up. Eat this.” He pulled one of her protein bars from the basket on the counter.

She took it. “In case I have to fight off a dead man?”

He squeezed her hand. “The goal is to not let it get to that point.”

“Right.” She walked toward the kitchen door that led out to the carport. He followed her and waited until she was buckled up. “You ready?”

“Ready. I’ll be watching my rearview mirror.”

“You watch the road,” he said, his voice low. “I’ve got your back.”


Lainie backed the rental out of the carport with James’ words ringing in her ears and twisting her heart into a ball of longing. Mulling over the man she’d crushed on for most of her life, she headed toward the hospital, thankful it was a short drive.

James hung back but close enough for her to see him when she looked for him. Which was constantly for the entire 2.2 miles to the hospital. She pulled into her regular spot and hurried into the building. She didn’t bother looking over her shoulder to see ifhewas there because, like James said, he had her back.

“Hey, Lainie,” Allison called, “thought you had the day off.”

Lainie walked over to the doctor. Bridgette stood next to her, and while Lainie wouldn’t mind avoiding her, she didn’t want to be rude to Allison—or Bridgette, although that would be easier. “I do. Just making a quick stop to grab something from the locker room.”

“Have you decided on a place for our glamping trip?” Allison asked.

“Glamping trip?” Bridgette looked up from her laptop for the first time since Lainie’s approach.

Allison pressed her lips together, then mouthed,Sorry, to Lainie.

“A group of us are going.” Lainie hesitated. “Would you want to join us?”

Allison gaped and Lainie kept her gaze fixed on Bridgette.

The woman raised a brow. “I don’t think so. I just didn’t realize you did that sort of thing.”