Page 49 of Double Take

Time accelerated again as he roared ahead to swerve in front of them, then around the curve, barely missing the green sedan that zipped past, horn blaring.

Cole pressed the gas and the vehicle surged forward, slamming Lainie back against the seat. “Call it in,” he said, steering around the sharp curve.

“On it,” James said.

Cole rattled off the plate while James connected to the dispatcher, repeated the letter and number combo, then gave their location and the direction the chase was headed in.

“Four-way stop ahead,” James said.

“Yep.” Cole slowed. The driver of the truck did not. He blasted through the stop sign, barely missing a guy on a motorcycle. The rider jerked the handlebar to the right, his rear tire skidding out behind him. He came to a wobbly stop and his leg shot out to keep the bike upright.

Cole slammed on the brakes and rolled to a stop. James had his window down. “Are you all right?”

The biker pulled his helmet off, his dark eyes blazing his fury. “Who was that idiot?”

“We’re not sure. If you’re okay, we’re going to try and catch him.”

The biker waved them on, and Lainie pressed shaking fingers to her eyes while Cole got them back on track to go after ... the Adam impersonator.

It didn’t take long to figure out the man was gone. “What is hedoing?” Lainie whispered. “Why all the cat-and-mouse stuff? Why doesn’t he just confront me and tell me what he wants?”

James glanced at his phone. “The vehicle was reported stolen earlier this morning. Hopefully, he’ll ditch it, and once we get our hands on it, CSU will go over it and find something that will give us a hint of who this guy is.”

Cole’s phone buzzed and he snagged it with a grimace. “I’ve got to go. SWAT is being called up. You mind dropping me? Kenzie can bring me home. You okay to drive?”

“I’m fine. And if I decide it’s too painful, Lainie can drive. Let’s go.”

When they dropped Cole at his location, Lainie spotted Kenzie near the command center truck and waved. Kenzie frowned, her confusion at Lainie’s presence clear. Only when Cole hurried out of the vehicle did Kenzie’s frown ease. She nodded at Cole, and the two of them walked toward the truck, heads turned toward one another.

James slid behind the wheel, leaving the passenger door open for Lainie. Once she had her belt buckled, he looked at her. “I have some time off before I have to be back at work.” He touched his lower back and pulled onto the road. “I haven’t had time to build up much leave with the department, but getting shot on the job has earned me some unexpected leave. I’d like to take advantage of that and try to help you figure out why someone seems so determined to get to you.”

“Wait a minute. Are you saying you’re not going back to work so you can help me?”

“And continue to heal.”

Lainie bit her lip and narrowed her eyes. He wasn’t lying, but he wasn’t being straight with her either. “Are you saying you would be back at work if I didn’t give you the impression that I needed help?”

“So, you don’t need my help?”

Biting her tongue on prideful words hurt, but she wasn’t stupid. She sighed. “Yes, I need your help.” She rested her hand on his forearm and squeezed. “Thank you for offering.”

With a glance in the rearview and side mirrors, he turned ontothe exit that would take them to her house. “You said you’re off for the next couple of days, right?”


“What do you think about hiding out while we chase this guy down?”

“Hide out where?”

“With my family. We can drop Cole’s truck off at his house, pick up mine, and be there in time for dinner.”

THE WORDS LEFT HIS LIPSbefore he could bite them off, but then he realized it was best. It would work with the plan he had in mind. It was the family weekend, and everyone was at their lake house for the mini family reunion. His brothers, Keegan and Dixon, were there, and both were skilled with their firearms, so if somehow this guy appeared, he’d have help protecting Lainie.

Then again, would taking Lainie there put his family in danger? James’ gut said the guy was going to escalate.

“Hello?” She was frowning at him, waiting.
