Page 25 of Double Take

“Of course she did, but you and I both know she’s going to change her mind.”

He fell silent. “So, I should cancel it?”

“I would.” She sighed. “But you do whatever you want.”

“I don’t know what to do now.”

Lainie rubbed her eyes and grabbed the bag she needed. She was so tired. She couldn’t deal with this. “Dad, I have some stuff I need to finish up even though I’m technically not here. I’ll have to call you later, okay?”

“No, no. Never mind. I’ll cancel it.” He sounded so defeated. He truly didn’t know what to do with his wife and her issue. And frankly, neither did Lainie.

“Wait, Dad. I’m sorry. It’s good she told you. That’s progress. Why don’t you cancel it, then see if you can get her to order the dumpster—or at least be in the room with her when you schedule it. With the phone on speaker. That way she thinks this is her idea too.”

“You think?”

“Yeah. I do. And if anytime she freaks out, reassure her. And thengive her the number to cancel the dumpster. Giving her the control will help. I think.”

“Excellent idea. If she cancels it, she cancels it. I’ll prepare myself.” He’d gotten some of the hope back in his voice. “Thanks, Lainie. See you next Friday.”


He hung up. She groaned, then left the closet and hurried back down the hall toward the ER, stopping when a wave of dizziness hit her. She stumbled to the wall and leaned against it until the moment passed. “Dumb, dumb, dumb. You need to stop doing this,” she whispered.

She might have overexaggerated the amount of rest she’d gotten in the chair next to James’ bed, but she hadn’t wanted him to be concerned about it. However, sleep deprivation was a real thing, and she was, at the moment, deprived.

If she didn’t get some sleep, somegoodsleep, she was going to be in trouble—or worse, make a mistake that could put a patient at risk. Something she’d judged Bridgette McPherson for and here she was—

“Sorry, God,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have said that about her even if I do believe it. Please protect all the patients from human fatigue and error. And keep your hand over my mouth.” She never talked about her coworkers. Her motto was, if she didn’t have something good to say, she said nothing. Cliché, maybe, but it had held her in good stead for many years. And then she just went and word-vomited all over James Cross.

A patient.

Yes, a guy she’d known almost her entire life, but at the moment, he was a patient.

Which made her an idiot.

No, she was beyond exhausted and her filters were leaking.

“Lainie? You okay?”

She pulled in a steadying breath. “That seems to be up for debate,” she muttered. “Hi, Doc.” Dr. Nate Maloney was in his midsixties, good-looking in a rugged, older-beach-boy kind of way, with a lot ofgray mixed in with the blond, and one of the physicians she worked with on a regular basis. He was a good supervisor, and she appreciated his compassionate heart that hadn’t hardened with time.

“Need some help?” He frowned and eyed her with concern.

“No, just some sleep. Which I plan to get as soon as I deliver this.” She waved the bag. “And food. Definitely could use some food too. I think I forgot to eat.”

“Here. Hold on.” He pulled a roll of mints from his coat pocket and dumped three in her hand. “Eat those.”

“Thanks.” She popped one in her mouth and let the sugar coat her tongue.

“Gotta take better care of yourself, Lainie. I need you around. You’re one of the PAs I actually like.”

She laughed. “You like everyone.”

“Okay, so that might be true, but I like you the most. You don’t do dumb stuff—except maybe work too much.”

She refrained from reminding him he’d asked her to pull a double shift, and choked back a small laugh. If he only knew all the dumb stuff she did. “Well, you won’t see me for the next couple of days, but thanks.” The sugar did help. At least she told herself it did. “I’ve got to go.”

He nodded, and she swiped her card to open the doors to the ER. Once back in James’ room, she found him with Cole. Their conversation stopped as soon as she stepped through the door, and she couldn’t help wondering if James had warned him about getting involved with Bridgette. She hoped so. “Hey, guys, I’m just going to hang this, then check and see if the results are back yet, okay?”