James glowered. “That’s a violation of my HIPAA rights.”
The handsome man in the same uniform as her patient smirked and told her, “Don’t worry, Lainie, I’m on the list.”
Unlike his family. Not even the brothers he was so close to. Orhad beenclose to.
Lainie tapped her iPad and found the form—and Cole’s name. “Yep, I see you.”
“Remind me to rectify that,” James muttered.
“All right, boys,” she said as she stood. “I’m going to leave you two to hash this out. Cole, I’m pulling for you.”
“Hey now,” James said. “I’m a hero, remember? Everyone’s always on the hero’s side, right?” His eyes clouded. “How are the girls?”
Cole turned serious. “They’re fine thanks to you. So’s the mom.”
“The girls? The mom?” Lainie asked.
“That’s how he got shot,” Cole said. “Pulled a kid out of the bedroom window, turned his back to shelter her, and got hit with the bullet just before our sniper got his shot off.” Sorrow flickered briefly in his eyes before it was gone. “If James hadn’t insisted on getting that little girl out, she’d be dead right now. The whole family would. The guy had already taunted his wife about killing them all. The fact that James talked the guy into letting the littlest one go was nothing short of amazing. He masterminded the whole plan and was definitely the hero of the day.”
“Shut up, dude,” James said, his voice mild, even while his face flushed. “You talk too much. A man still lost his life.”
Again, that flash of sadness. Then resolve. “He had ample opportunity to choose otherwise.”
James’ and Cole’s gazes connected, a silent message passed between them, and James nodded. “Absolutely.”
Lainie’s heart slammed into her rib cage. “James,” she whispered. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She ignored it. Again.
He waved a hand. “I was just doing my job. Nothing any person there wouldn’t have done. Thankfully, the bullet hit my vest and I’m fine. Something I’ve repeatedly said in spite of the fact that no one is listening. I’m also ready to go home.”
“I think youarefine,” Lainie said, “but just to be on the safe side, I also think you should stay put so we can run a few more tests.”
“Lainie...” He drew her name out on a sigh.
“Why is everyone saying my name like that today?” she muttered.
“There must be a reason, trust me.”
“James...” She mimicked him and the man had the audacity to roll his eyes before he started to protest once more. She shook her head. “Nope, not going to change my mind.” And what was with all the eye rolling? Seriously, her friends must have set a record in the last few hours.
“Don’t make me call your supervisor.”
James scowled and Cole crossed his massive arms over his equally huge chest and grinned down at her from his six-foot-plus height. “He’s not going anywhere.”
She raised a brow at him and let her gaze flip between the two men. “Too bad I’m not a betting woman. I know who I’d put my money on. Then again, I don’t suppose a sure thing can really be called a bet.”
She slipped out of the room to the sound of Cole’s laughter and James’ groan. Finally, she could check her buzzing phone.
Multiple texts from different people.
I swear I just saw your ex, Adam Williams.
Lainie, heads up. There is someone who looks just like Adam Williams in the hospital.
I think I’m seeing things. There’s a guy who looks like Adam Williams walking around the third floor.
So, she wasn’t dreaming.