Page 97 of Double Take

“Rip Van Winkle, of course.”

James threw a pillow at him. Cole’s laughter had lingered while he showered and dressed. Now James dialed Lainie’s phone, thankful when she answered on the first ring. Her face appeared on the screen and she smiled at him. “Morning.”

“It is definitely morning.”

“I hope you got some rest.”

“I did. You?”

“Not much. But at least it was a good kind of not sleeping. We talked into the wee hours of the morning.” Her smile widened. “I needed that time with them so much. It was ... healing.”

“I’m glad.” He paused. “You ready for this?”

Her smile faded and he wanted to bring it back, but the safest way for her to be there was to do that via FaceTime. “Yes.”

He climbed out of Cole’s 4Runner and looked at the cemetery. Lainie had described Adam’s resting place in detail, and he let her “walk with him” as he headed in that direction.

“It’s just over that hill in front of you,” she said.

The cemetery was really stunning year-round. Butterflies winged their way from flower to flower, then flitted to gravestones, as though to check in on the occupants under them. Adam’s parents had spared no expense, that was for sure, and in the fall it was particularly beautiful. Beautiful and peaceful with the small pond and the trees lining the walking trail. Too beautiful for such a hate-filled soul. Cole followed behind.

“You’re getting close,” she said.

They crested the hill and came to a stop.

“Not a bad place to be buried,” Cole said, echoing James’ thoughts. “Bet that cost a pretty penny.”

She smiled. “What’s the point, though? It’s not like you can enjoy it after you’re gone.”

Cole nodded. “True. All of this is just for those who’re left behind.”

“I guess.”

James aimed the camera at the area in front of him.

“Keep going,” she said. “It should be right around there.”

He walked slowly, panning the graves and the markers. “You sure this is it? There’s an empty plot between these two, then behind that, there’s a pretty fresh grave and then—”

She drew in a harsh breath. “Stop. Go back to that spot between the two others.” He did. A breathless laugh came over the speaker. “You havegotto be kidding me.”

“What is it?”

“It’s gone. And before you ask, yes, it was right in front of you.”

“When did you come to his gravesite?”

“I visited after I got out of the hospital. It was for closure. I was having nightmares, and my therapist suggested visiting the grave to help convince my head he was really dead. And when I was there, so was the headstone.” She paced, her phone bouncing with each hard step. “I don’t believe this. I really don’t. Where is his marker?”

“You’re sure we’re at the right place?”

“Is there a grave with an angel headstone to the left?”


Cole snapped pictures of the area. The markerless grave and everything around it.

“Then you’re at the right place.” Tears welled and dripped down her cheeks. “I shouldn’t be surprised,” she whispered. “Not after everything. But I am. I’m actually shocked that the headstone isn’t there. Why is this happening?” She disappeared from view, and James could hear her sobs. His heart hurt for her.