Page 120 of Double Take

JAMES STOOD OUTSIDEthe empty building, evidence of Lainie’s presence—and escape—vivid in his head. The loud crack of a gunshot snapped his gaze to his partner. “Where’d that come from?”

“Through the woods.”

“He found her.”

Another crack reached them and James curled his hands into fists. “Which way?”

An officer hurried over. “Sounds like that could have come from the Gonzaleses’ store.”

James snapped his attention to the man. “Lainie’s friends with them. She’d know where it is and she’d go there.” He looked at the officer. “Lead the way.” He gave Cole a shove toward his vehicle. “Let’s go, let’s go!”


Lainie had grabbed Mama Maria at the first gunshot that hit the glass on the front door, spider-webbing it. They’d made it to the storage room before the glass shattered.

Now, she huddled with her in the small space, trying to figure out the next move. Should they have gone out the back door? But that would put them out in the open with a man who had a gun. “What did Señor G say?”

“He didn’t answer the phone and we had to run back here when the bad man shot the door.”

“Oh no,” Lainie whispered.

Mama Maria’s frightened gaze met Lainie’s, and she wanted to crawl in a hole. She’d brought this on her friends. She went to the window. “Does this open?”

“No. It’s nailed shut.”

“Okay.”Think, Lainie, think. Don’t giveup. Keep trying.It was like James was in her head or whispering in her ear.

A spatter of Spanish came from beyond the storage room door, and Mama Maria grasped her rosary and whispered prayers.

Señor G.

“I know you’re back there, Lainie!” Michael’s voice cut through the woman’s words. “Come out and maybe I won’t kill this nice man.”

Mama Maria wailed and Lainie opened the door. “Lock it,” she whispered.

Her friend grasped her hand and shook her head. “No. No. He would not want this.”

“This is my fault. The man’s name is Michael Irwin. He’s a killer. If I don’t do this, your husband dies, understand?”

“Lainie!” Michael’s shout echoed. “I’m not kidding!”

More rapid-fire Spanish from Señor G.

Tears ran down Mama Maria’s age-weathered cheeks and she nodded.

Lainie pulled her fingers from the woman’s hand and shut the door behind her. She crept to the end of the hallway and peered around the corner into the main area of the store. Michael stood in the midst of the shattered glass, his weapon held to her friend’s head. Señor G’s eyes blazed his fear and fury, and Lainie held up a hand. “Let him go. You can have me.”

“Just like Adam said,” he sneered. “Bleeding Heart Lainie. Doormat Lainie. Get over here.”

Lainie took two steps toward him, just out of reach, and to the side so he had to turn slightly, his left shoulder at a ninety-degree angle to the entrance. Blue lights pulled into the parking lot. “Let him go.”

Michael shoved Señor G, and the man stumbled, then whirled to put himself between Lainie and Michael. Michael aimed the weapon and Lainie slammed into the older man, sending him to the floor. The bullet whipped past her cheek as she dove over Señor G.

“Put the weapon down!”

The order came over the bullhorn and Michael paused.

All went quiet for a split second, and she looked up to see Michael take aim at her head, his decision made. He was willing to die, but he planned to take her with him.