Page 18 of Obsess

“Who do you work for?” He glares stoically. “Last chance,” I offer as I put the blade to the other side of his cheek. Nothing. I repeat the action, moving faster than I had the first time. Blood drips from his face as he fights not to sob.

“We’ll give you a minute to think,” Marco chimes in.

“Jamison.” I tap the man’s forehead with the knife handle, needing his attention. “You’ve worked for me a long time,” I say when his eyes glance up at me. The smell of infection courses through his open wounds. “You so easily could have been helped, but you kept holding the gun up at Rue.” The more I think about it, the angrier I become, and suddenly, all I want is his blood draining from his body.

As rage takes over, so, too, does the action of my blade, stabbing into his gut repeatedly. Crimson liquid drenches me, his screams fill the room, and his guts hang from his body. But that’s not good enough, there’s still air rattling around in his lungs.

Nodding to Marco, the man grabs Jamison’s hair and holds his head back, exposing his throat. With one quick slash, I slice through to bone, nearly decapitating him.

A gurgled sound comes from behind me, and I pivot to see Joker spilling the contents of his stomach onto the ground at his feet. Mixing with the blood from his face.

“You want his fate?” I ask the kid. He can’t be more than nineteen, maybe twenty at most. He shakes his head. “What gang are you with?”

Crossing my arms, I wait on his answer, his gaze flicking from me to Jamison and back again before moving on to the man who fathered my sweet girl.

“The Southside Vipers,” he finally confesses. With a nod, Marco puts a bullet in his head, and I drive the knife into Seeley’s chest, nicking his heart.

Pulling it out, I watch the blood drain with every beat, every breath, until finally, he’s dead. Glancing at Marco, I tell him, “Have whoever you think needs a refreshment in loyalty clean this mess up.”

I don’t wait for an answer as I head upstairs to the woman sleeping in my bed. It’s time I claim her, show the world who she belongs to. Who her king is because she for damn sure is my queen in every way.

Passing through, Granger is coming in the front door, so I tell him, “Nobody bothers me for the rest of the day. Not one fucking peep until I’m asking for food.” Ignoring his slack jaw, I continue up to the room. Still asleep, just as I left her.

“Get out,” I hiss at Mickey and Minnie, and with an annoyed growl, they both jump down from the bed. As soon as they clear the door, I close and lock it. Someone’s death will be sure if they come anywhere near this floor.

Stripping off my clothes, I carefully drag the blanket down the bed. Rue is still in the shirt I gave her, the pretty pink panties that barely fit cover her sweet center, hiding her from me.

Gripping her ankles, I spread her legs, showing me my precious prize. Gliding my hands up her calves, I kiss the arch of one foot before licking across the skin of the other. My lips drift slowly up her body, trying to wake her before I dive deep into her pussy.

A faint moan breaks past her now-open lips, and her hips shift. “My beautiful little girl,” I whisper against her thigh, nipping lightly at the flesh. Her gasp alerts me to her wakefulness.

Lifting my gaze to hers, I encounter her hooded eyes as she licks her lips. “Rue,” I groan her name when her legs fall open further.

“Daddy,” she whispers, and my cock jumps, leaking pre-cum onto the sheets below. “What are you doing?”

“Claiming what’s mine,” I hiss, clasping both sides of her panties and ripping the ends. The flimsy material falls away. She bruises her lip with her teeth as she gives me an enthusiastic nod.

“Stunning,” I breathe out when I finally settle my eyes on her plump cunt. Her lips are puffy, soaking wet, and her clit peeks out of its hood, begging for me to suck and bite on it.

Seizing her hips, I hold her down. This need I have, to not only possess her but consume her so all she thinks about is me, beats a steady rhythm in my chest.

Kissing the inside of each thigh, I give gentle nips. Her hands clench my hair, pushing and tugging at the same time. My heart pounds furiously as I finally get a taste of my queen. Her legs are splayed wide, so when I lick up the seam of her lips, she tries to spring them closed, but my arms pinning her to the bed prevent that from happening.

“Just breathe, little girl.” My hot breath against her pretty pink lips causes her to shiver. Lapping up her center once again, I feel the way she forces herself to relax as I push past her juicy lips, teasing her clit from its hiding place.

On the next stroke, her hips lift to meet my mouth, giving me complete access to suck on her pearl. Her scream is loud as I bite down, flicking it with my tongue. The painful pleasure is exactly what I want for her. I’m not a gentle man, and I need for her to crave this savagery inside of me the same way I do.

Her hands drop from my head, clutching at the sheets on either side of her. Letting go of one hip, I slide my fingers down her body, spreading her pussy apart and giving me the perfect view of her virgin hole. Rubbing through her dewy lips to wet them, I thrust both fingers inside her sweetness, the tight grip making me groan as I drink down her tasty juices. The flavor shoots a desperate tingle down my spine that settles in my heavy sack.

“Need you to come for me, little girl. Come all over Daddy’s face.” I grit the words out, working my fingers within her as my tongue takes to abusing her tiny bud.

She cries out in ecstasy as I drive my digits deeper, coaxing out every sweet wave of pleasure I can. Her tight walls squeeze so hard, there’s no chance my dick will last long.

“Daddy!” With that thunderous scream, I’m sure everyone in the house heard her, and I’m fucking glad because then they’ll know exactly who she belongs to.

“Such a good girl,” I praise when her body relaxes, and she starts humping my fingers, seeking more of what only I can give her.

Climbing up her body, I let my dick graze against her thigh and brush her with my sticky pre-cum before settling against her pussy. Nudging it up and down lightly, bumping her sensitive clit with the head as I go.