Page 131 of A Clash of Stars

So strong, Luke.

He laughed. I had almost forgotten we could communicate this way.

“Stop flirting with me and open the door. Time to go get your man.”

I slowly opened the door, and I knew where the door led to, my mother’s office. Still furnished with her pink lounge chairs that I adored. Once I ensured there was no one in the room, I opened the door wider, allowing Luke and I room to step into the space. I knew this castle like the back of my hand.

Quietly we meandered in the hallways, tiptoeing around corners leading us to the dungeon. I was surprised that there were no soldiers on guard throughout the halls. It was odd. Like, he was expecting me.

As Luke and I walked into the bleak space, I saw my mother, Jeremiah, and Evander, but no Amari.

“Clara! Oh, my gods. You’re okay. I was so worried about you.”

My mother gushed over me, and I couldn’t help but start to cry. I ran towards the bars gripping my mother’s hands as we cried.

“Mother, I am so sorry about what happened to Father. I wish I could’ve...” She put her hand up to signal me to stop talking.

“Your father knew what he was doing, Clara. He loved us both so much and was willing to do anything to protect us. You must know that.”

I felt the warmth of her hand on my cheek, wiping away my tears. My eyes turned to Evander, who watched me in the corner of the cell. I allowed him to tap into my emotions and feel what I felt. He knew that I loved him, especially at this moment, but he also knew I was angry with him. He lied to me about what he knew, and I sensed he felt terrible about it.

I walked towards him outside of the rusted bars. Looking at him, I still felt the tug at my heartstrings and the weight of the marking on my neck. His voice sent me chills when he told me what I needed to know.

“Yes, I lied to you about what I knew. Part of me didn’t want you to know who the real me was, and I still don’t. This version of me, here with you, is what I want.”

He walked closer to the bars, and I could feel his power surge to me as he neared me.

“You must promise me that you will kill Theo no matter what. You have to. It is the only way we can all move on with our lives. I don’t know if I will be a part of your life when this is over, so I want you to listen carefully.”

I saw the tears welling in his eyes as he whispered, “Who I am is dangerous. Once this curse is lifted, I won’t be the Evander you know anymore. It doesn’t change how I feel about you, though. Every piece of my being is better because of you. You saved me, Clara. I love you, and I need you to stop him. For me.”

He gripped my neck, rubbing his thumb over my marking.

At this point, I was a blubbering mess. I was so upset that I could combust from the emotions swelling inside me. Luke’s voice made my head turn to face him.

“Clara, I will get them out of these cells and return them to meet the group outside. You go find Theo and finish this.”

I nodded and turned my head back to Evander. We both leaned in and kissed each other through the metal cage that separated us, and his hands wrapped around my head, pressing me into him. This kiss felt like a goodbye, and I didn’t want that. I never wanted to say goodbye to him. We barely had enough time together, and now we had to be apart. It felt catastrophic to walk away from him. Pulling away from his kiss, I spoke to the entire group while continuing to look directly at him.

“I know that Theo is waiting for me. I can sense it. He’s in the ballroom. While I go there, get them out and take them far away in case this doesn’t go well, and Evander, you need to find your mother.”

Evander gently kissed my lips and whispered, “Our stars aligned, Clara. You are the light to my darkness. You are the good to my evil, and I will love you eternally.” I kissed him one final time as my heart crushed inside my chest. I had a burning feeling of knowing everything would change. I turned to walk out of the dungeon with an overbearing weight on my shoulders.

Chapter 42

Before I could cross the threshold, Luke grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him.

“It will go just as it is supposed to, Clara.” He kissed my forehead. “Go save our people.” I nodded in response and smiled a quick smile of uncertainty as I continued to look ahead.

I opened the door and started walking down the hall towards the ballroom alone, while Luke stayed in the dungeon to get out the people I loved. I wanted to protect them all but had to stop Theo first. He can’t continue this warpath because he didn’t get the woman he wanted.

Once I got to the door, I realized there were no soldiers standing guard anywhere to protect him. I stood there working up the nerve to open the door, and anger bellowed in my stomach. I had turned on the pissed-off Queen switch within me, full of rage and furious.

My hand clutched the door handle, and I gently pushed it open. I paused a moment before walking in.

I couldn’t hear anyone but closed my eyes to tap into my power. I could see him sitting on the throne. He looked like Madok, but I knew it wasn’t him. I wondered if he knew that I was aware of this.

I took one step into the room and continued steady strides toward him. His eyes flickered to mine. I saw the darkness in them expand as I approached him. I stopped directly in front of the throne, halting my feet loudly against the stone, the sound echoing across the room.