Page 84 of A Clash of Stars


Chapter 24

We stopped in a small town just inside the jurisdiction of my kingdom of Artesia. The town sat right alongside the Asterian Mountains and the Loyste River.

We pulled up to the bed and breakfast we would be staying in with a golden plaque by the entrance, Velisharo Cottage. An older home, but stunning nonetheless with its wrap-around porch and wood-stained columns supporting the second-floor balcony. I was about to step out of the carriage when Evander grabbed my hand.

“If we are to make people believe this marriage is authentic, we must act as if we are in love,” he said.

I scoffed, “But, sometimes people get married for power—hence our marriage. No need to make others believe we are in love.”

He sighed and rolled his eyes at me, “Yes, but I don’t want anyone to try to form their own conclusions about it while we are here. We shall portray our relationship as honest and true. If others start to think we hate each other, word will circulate to others in the kingdoms, and we don’t want that.”

I didn’t know how I was supposed to react. He was so suspicious and infuriating, but I also knew what he was saying made sense to me in some way. This was my way out. The way I would survive, and I didn’t want to mess it up.

I nodded in response to his comment. I did not know how we were to act, but I knew it would be important for me to play along.

He stepped out of the carriage first, extending a hand to assist me in stepping down the small set of stairs. When I glanced towards the house, there were about five workers gawking at us. Three women, wearing light yellow dresses with white lace aprons over their midsections, and two men, both older with gray hair wearing the same yellow but in a suit ensemble.

Their eyes were curious as they gazed upon us, wondering about the two of us…I’m sure.

Evander clutched my hand in his as we walked closer to the Velisharo Cottage and to the Artesian workers. His hand was firm around mine, sending chills up my arm as I tried to keep my face clear of expression.

The voice of one of the elderly women spoke, “Your Highnesses. We are so elated to have you stay with us. We prepared your room to all of the specifications you requested, Prince Evander.”

My eyes wandered to Evander, wondering what type of specifications he asked for.

“Excellent. We will be on our way then. Do you have our key?” he asked her.

The Artesian woman handed over the key to him and turned her eyes to look at me. I could feel her stare, and before I knew it, I was blushing. She caught me staring at Evander, not on purpose, either.

“If you don’t mind me saying, your Highnesses, I think you make quite a pair,” the woman spoke in a mild voice. Ev turned towards me and moved a piece of hair that was dangling free across my face placing it behind my ear.

“It’s all because of her,” he said.

His voice was deep and lustrous, causing a lump to form in the back of my throat. It was hard to decipher what was an act and what was real with him. I smiled at his comment before realizing I was completely pink.

He turned to face the woman and spoke, “Thank you again. We only ask that you do not disturb us this evening or in the morning.” He winked at her.

I could see the redness spreading across her cheeks. He had that kind of effect on people.

Walking into the cottage, I noticed the white panel walls with slight chips in the paint. I took in the large paintings that depicted children playing in the sand of the beach of Sea de Glaises, and that made me smile. Happiness. Isn’t that ultimately what we all want?

“You like the paintings?” Evander asked me.

Internally, I think it was much more than the painting. It was the normalcy of a home with a happy couple and their own children. I wanted that, so I admired that others have and will have that type of life. I smiled at the painting once more before turning to Evander.

“I do. It makes my heart warm,” I spoke softly.

He nodded, grasping my hand in his as he walked me up the stairs to our room, which took over the entire top floor of the house. When we walked in, he squeezed my hand tighter in his and continued to take me toward the kitchen. On the counter lay all of the ingredients I needed to make my mother’s famous chocolate chip cookies. My expression was obvious, and I was beaming with happiness with slight astonishment when he spoke.

“I thought you would like to teach me how to make these cookies that you love so much,” he turned to face me, “Is that all right with you?” His features softened, and his mouth turned up into a gentle smile.

I dropped his hand and walked around the wooden countertop in the kitchen to inspect the ingredients. Everything I needed was here. I touched every bag, every measuring cup, and bowl. I looked around the kitchen. It reminded me alot of the kitchen in Sefida. Everything was very industrial and cold except for the island.

I walked over, lit the oven, and immediately started to get the ingredients together and measure. I looked up at Evander, him watching my every movement.

“Well…are you going to help me or not?” I exhaled annoyingly to get my point across.