Page 79 of A Clash of Stars

We eyed each other before we started walking directly behind her, following her lead.

We walked towards the dining room for the celebratory feast, and we were welcomed to sit at the large royal table along with other members of the royal family and the people of Aster. His sister was not included, and I wondered where she might be or actually where any of our friends or family might be. Not one person we had called friends were there.

Not many words were exchanged between Evander and me at the table until the dessert came. That’s when I couldn’t help but smile, chocolate chip cookies. I looked away and spoke in the only quiet way we could.

Did you do this?

When my eyes turned back to him, they were locked onto me.

Of course, I did. It’s your favorite. Just don’t try to eat mine.

A gentle smirk rose in the corner of his mouth as we continued looking at each other. The King interrupted my thoughts, “I know that you both would like to have some alone time.”

Everyone at the table chuckled because we all know what happens on a wedding night.

“But first, we must have your official dance as husband and wife,” the King announced. He raised his hand in a signal for everyone to stand and move to the dance floor.

Evander came to my side and softly placed my hand in his to lead me to the floor. We took our spot on the floor while everyone around us watched. His hand was heavy and strong on my waist, and then he pulled me in close. The smell of him was intoxicating, and it weakened me.

I thought back to the first dance we had in Sefida before the Variance. Even then, I couldn’t stop staring at his lips, and now I still couldn’t. They were plump and pink and delectable as always.

On the outside, he was tough and intimidating, and his features were strong. I could see how others could be fearful of him, but when you look into his eyes, and I mean really look into his eyes, you can see they displayed such gentleness to those he cared for.

We were cheek-to-cheek dancing, and I could feel his warm breath on my neck as we swayed to the violins. I could see the shimmering gold marking peeking out, small bright golden swirls, and his deep voice vibrated into my chest, “You look beautiful.”

I pulled back slightly to look into his eyes and scoffed, “I find anything you say difficult to believe.”

He smiled at me, then glanced at my neck as he said, “You are, Clara. Your beauty surpasses all others. The King thinks it is such a challenge for me to marry you, but in reality, it’s the complete opposite.”

My vision went blurry as my heart fell to my stomach, and I looked away from him, trying to calm my breathing. The hand on my waist made its way to my lower back, and he pulled me even closer as I tried to keep my head on straight.

“Evander, where is Madok?”

He took a deep breath, “I already told you. He is fine.”

“Why can’t you tell me where he is?” I whispered through clenched teeth.

“Seriously? You’re going to ask about another man as you are dancing with your husband for the first time?” he scoffed.

I tried to pull away, but he gripped my wrist and waist tightly.

“I am well aware that you don’t trust me. I wouldn’t trust me, either. What I ask of you is to give me a chance. You and I don’t have the same history together as you and Madok, but that doesn’t mean we can’t build a relationship. You must understand…the way people see me and the way I truly am are two different people.”

I quickly responded, “You can’t be two different people, Evander. You are one person with multiple qualities, and you get to decide who you are by figuring out who you want to be. How do you not know who you are?”

My eyes frantically searched for his answer.

“I’m hoping you can help me figure that out,” he sighed.

The dance ended, and Evander and I bowed and curtsied to one another. The King’s voice radiated throughout the room, “Everyone dance and enjoy the festivities. We saved the best wine for this evening, so drink up.”

Thank the gods.

Before I could even search for the said wine, Evander grabbed my hand and led me off the dance floor, but he didn’t stop there. He walked out of the room, dragging me down the hallways with me giggling behind him.

“Where are we going? The party isn’t over,” I fussed at him.

A laugh escaped his mouth, “The party is over for us. The guests would think it would be suspicious if we didn’t leave immediately.”