The café.
I walked in and heard her familiar voice, Bethany. Her smile was infectious, and she jogged around the counter to hug me. I immediately hugged back because I never shied away from an embrace.
“How are you? Anything happened last night?” She smirked at me and wiggled her eyebrows, wanting to know all the details.
Before I could open my mouth, her eyes drifted to my neck, “No way! Is he your inamorato? I knew I was right!”
Her excitement fizzled away when she saw the look on my face. “Oh no, what happened, Clara?”
“Let’s have a seat, and we can talk about it. Could I order a coffee? I had a rough night,” I declared.
She immediately walked behind the counter to fix it as I found a spot to plop down. She approached my table, handing me the aromatic coffee, and I took a sip as she sat beside me. I let the caffeine seep into my veins before I opened up and told her everything that had happened last night. I never had siblings growing up to share important events, so I was not passing up on this opportunity.
“After Madok left, I laid down, and Evander asked if I wanted him to stay or leave. My initial answer was for him to stay, but I knew I needed to be alone for the night. Then, I had this dream. I was at a ball at his castle, and he was sitting on the throne with another woman on his lap. I woke up so angry, I could feel my skin pulsing, and I had to leave the house.”
She took a deep breath, “Wow! I have no idea what I should even say. Could you tell who the woman was?”
I shook my head, “No idea. I’m sure Evander saw my dream too. He told me he’s been able to read my thoughts since he was young.”
Her face went pale with shock. I would probably have that reaction, too. I should have had a more significant reaction to that information last night, but a part of me already knew this.
“I just keep coming back to something—” I spoke but stopped myself before I said too much.
She narrowed her eyes at me, “What? What is something you keep coming back to?”
I sighed, “Just the book I found that I told you of last night. About the world of Darthium. I don’t think it could be real, but everything returns to it.”
She took a breath, “So what do you think—”
The door to the café opened, and Madok walked in carrying heavily burdened eyes with him. I glanced at Bethany, and she got up and walked to the kitchen without saying a word. His strong build walked towards me, sitting in the chair Bethany had just vacated.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. All of the choices I made yesterday…were horrible. I know I deserve your anger, and I realize how I messed this up. Tell me what I could do to fix this between us?” he sputtered without looking me in the eyes.
I groaned because I was conflicted over what I needed to tell Madok. I knew he was remorseful for his actions from yesterday, but at the same time, how many times would I allow him to hurt me before I stood up for myself?
“Thank you for apologizing, but did you realize I was completely in love and ready to risk everything for you before your coronation? You would pull me in and push me away anytime I got too close.” I paused and took a breath. “I can’t keep doing this with you, Madok. I’ve already told you that I am not the girl you fell in love with anymore.”
His eyes glanced at my inamorato marking, “I know that things are different, but it doesn’t change how I feel.”
I looked at him with confusion and responded quickly, “Just yesterday, you gave us all up and walked away from me. What kind of man tells the woman he knows things are different, gets up, and leaves her alone, and in the rain, I might add.” My voice started to rise, with anger building within me. Tears were welling in my eyes.
“You have broken me. I am trying to pick up the pieces of myself, and now I can’t give Evander my all because you have already taken a part of me that I can’t get back.”
He knew exactly what I was talking about. Something that I hadn’t mentioned to anyone, even Evander. I’m unsure if he knew about it, but after Madok’s coronation, he and I took each other’s virginities. I could remember every part of that night together, even the lingering thoughts of my future with him.
Funny how things change.
His jaw tightened, “You are the only thing that matters to me, Clara. I won’t give up on you and me. He— He isn’t your mate, Clara.”
A low laugh escaped me, “You’re wrong. You are only saying that because you hate Evander,” I scoffed and took a breath before returning to my anger, “It was easy enough for you to walk away from me yesterday. It shouldn’t hurt too bad to walk away again.”
With the final word, I stood and walked out of the cafe. I did not regret one damn thing that I said or didn’t say. I started walking towards the city center when I saw a recognizable face.
I approached the man with salt and pepper hair, Jeremiah, Athiana’s son.
“Hello, Clara, lovely day. I hope you are doing well.”
I smiled at him, hoping that the anger on my face could be hidden or erased.