“Why would you want to betray your family? It doesn’t make sense to me?”
He lifted his hand, sweeping a piece of hair away from my face as he stared into my soul.
“Because— There are things bigger than you and I. I know what is right. I am doing my best to protect you, and I’m sorry you were hurt. I knew you’d be okay because I made sure the blade was only of metal and not a blade of pure Lilith Silver.”
I knew a royal could be killed, but it rarely crossed our minds. Being a royal meant that your powers slowed your aging, and you could live for an extended period. My parents were hundreds of years old, although I was only twenty-one. My father and mother tried for many years to have a child and were never able to until me.
Evander’s head turned with the sound of leaves and bushes rustling. He pressed his forearm over my chest, pushing me back. Protecting me. Then I heard it.
The voices.
Our friends.
I started running and yelling for them, like a wild woman.
Finally, I saw one set of eyes that I knew well. Madok. He began sprinting towards me, picking me up, and I pulled my legs around his waist. He embraced me, and I could smell his citrus scent and feel what felt like comfort in his arms. He pulled back slightly and kissed my cheek, letting me down gently to the ground.
When I looked around, everyone was looking at us except Evander. I remembered what he had told me about Madok. I appreciated his opinion, but I didn’t need it. I don’t belong to Evander or Madok.
Madok spoke, “Gods, Clara, we were so worried. I couldn’t rest. I kept thinking about you. I-I know I shouldn’t worry, but gods, I do.”
I beamed my smile at him, “I am fine, Madok. Ev and I figured it out together and made it out safely.” As I said the word ‘together’, I could see the light in Madok’s eyes dim.
“We’re glad you made it out. I knew you would, but we had to keep walking. We’re almost there,” Griffin said with a distinguished voice. Evander led with Griffin as Madok, and I stayed in the back.
“So, did anything happen in the tunnels?”
I looked around for a response to Madok’s question. “Nothing worth reporting.” I smiled.
I knew he could sense my lack of information. He kept turning his head towards me while we walked as if he had found a new question to ask, but he never vocalized them. We finally reached a tall wall covered with a bright green vine. Griffin knocked on the wall three times when the door opened. As we walked through, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
In front of me was the most magnificent city I had ever laid eyes upon. The city was between the Magique Terre Mountains and the Sea de Glaises.
Perfection, but what city was this? I had never been here before or seen this on a map.
A man approached us, and he seemed familiar. He instantly locked eyes with me, a man in his later years in life, with salt and pepper hair with eyes that were so kind. Immediately, he bowed to me. I noticed his clothes were linen and a light shade of blue. It was like he was wearing the sky. Everything about him was welcoming, and something in my nature took hold, and I wanted to know more about him.
“Princess Clara, it is a pleasure to be of service to you,” He spoke directly to me.
The reaction I had was not what I envisioned myself doing. I walked towards him quickly and grasped his hands. “Thank you, sir, but you don’t need to bow. I am not that formal.”
He nodded, “Very well, right this way.”
He led us down the streets of this bustling city. With every step, another head turned and watched as we walked. Not one person looked at anyone I was with,only me. In my head, I questioned what could be the reason for the onset of looks I was receiving, but then I saw them. My parents.
I started sprinting, passing everyone in our group and the crowd around us. I launched myself into my father’s arms as my mother reached around and embraced us both. The sobs started before I realized how much I had missed them. When he placed me on my feet, my parents grabbed my face, and I was bombarded with love.
My father, William, had dark navy slacks with a white buttoned-down linen shirt that was opened slightly. He seemed comfortable and the most casual I had ever seen him. My mother, Claire, wore a soft pink dress with brown flats. So comfortable. So…happy.
“Gods, Clara, we were so worried, but we knew you could do it, and you would make it to us.”
I looked at my parents with loving eyes, tears filling my gaze. My heart could burst from the happiness I felt right now.
“I am so glad to see you both. I have been so worried about you two. This has been so difficult without you. This has all been very—” I sobbed.
My father interrupted the next part of my sentence, “It isn’t over yet.”
I gave him a questioning look while he wiped the tears from my face as he responded.