Knowing that I would see Madok, just like I do every day, hurts me physicallyandemotionally, but I must do it. Our memories fluttered constantly in my mind, weaving the good and the bad together.
I was so thrilled to celebrate with him as he was crowned the official Prince of Ophera and presented to his court. I knew he was a bundle of nerves for this evening’s festivities. He didn’t like the attention being heavily focused on him, he’d much rather share the spotlight.
When he walked into the ballroom my heart thumped heavily and my head became a little dizzy as I tried to focus my eyes on him as his emotions continued to rattle me to my core. He searched the room, and finally, his eyes met mine, and I had never felt this strong feeling of emotions from him before. He was afraid.
Two years changed a lot in him, slight stubble caressed his jawline, which I loved more than I was willing to admit. He had become leaner, and I noticed that more girls took notice of his handsome features as well, which caused small rages of jealousy within me.
Although slight jealousy dwelled within me, the night was still perfect. I couldn’t imagine anything going wrong. We danced, laughed, kissed in hidden corners when we could, and I even convinced my parents to let me stay in one of the guest rooms at the Ophera castle so I could spend more time with him.
Later that night, he snuck into my room, and we spent most of the night together talking, laughing, and sharing sweet intimate moments together. The next morning, I realized I had dozed off the night before, and I rolled over onto my side when a paper crumpled in my face. A note.
Dear Clara, thank you for making my coronation celebration perfect in every way. I am so undeserving of you. I won’t be here when you wake up, I have a trip to take with my father. I hope to see you soon. All my love, Madok.
One week later, I still hadn’t heard from him. Nothing. My mother ended up reaching out to Madok’s mother, Queen Anne, to ensure that he was safe andback home, and indeed he was. Months went by and still—nothing. I was crushed. What had happened to make him not want to talk to me, what had I done?
Eventually, we saw each other at one of our parents’ final meetings at Sefida in preparation for our official training. He made eye contact with me, still the same amber-golden eyes, the same Madok, but he truly wasn’t the same. I couldn’t quite place the emotion that his eyes were holding, but it wasn’t love. Not anymore. The sunshine was hidden behind a dark layer of clouds that wouldn’t go away.
It was as if a switch had been flipped. He no longer wanted to be around me, see me, or talk to me, and I was completely broken.
I was destroyed.
The boy I thought would be my beginning and end was just an end.
Nothing about Madok Ophera was pleasant. He was my villain, and I’d be sure to never make the same mistakes I did with him.
My eyes are burning. Why are my eyes burning? Is that the sun, or is the world on fire? Maybe if I ignore it, it will all go away.
“Clara! Wakey wakey. It’s time for you to get dressed for breakfast.”
I knew that calm and gentle voice… Sophia.
My eyes started to peel open, and there, my lady’s maid stood as chipper as ever. Such a morning person, unlike me.
Her hair was the brightest crisp white and her soft skin was caramel colored. Her gracious blue eyes landed on mine and she smiled the same smile that I had known since I could remember. My whole life was prepped for this moment in case I was sent into the Variance, the challenge of all challenges.
The land of Carondelet was split into six Kingdoms, each one resounding and powerful, but there was always one land ruler over all of the Kingdoms, a superior King and Queen.
The Kingdom of Aster had been the land rulers for as long as I could remember, but if any Kingdom felt the rulers of the land weren’t fulfilling their duty, they could challenge the rule resulting in the Variance; therefore, here we were.
I had only heard of the rulers being challenged once before, ending in the destruction of the Kingdom of Claiborne. It was never revealed which Kingdom challenged Aster’s rule, but our assumption was Claiborne since it was destroyed and never revived. Shortly after the end of the last Variance, the people of its Kingdom disappeared.
Our history is deep yet elusive. Unfortunately, there is much I still don’t know. I can still remember stories as a child that my parents told me about the creators of this land. They were called the original six, each bearing primal powers of creation.
These powers have been passed down through the royal bloodlines, with each Kingdom possessing unique power. My Kingdom, Artesia, is the power of nature.
“If you don’t get up, you will be late for breakfast,” Sophia huffed.
I knew she was right, but I did not want to go where I wasn’t welcome. I had to see their smug faces and wasn’t in the mood.
“I will. I will. Just give me…five more minutes.”
I heard the giggle before I felt the covers being yanked off me.
“No, get up, Clara. You don’t want to disappoint Master Edward with your lack of attendance.” Her kind voice was more demanding now.
Other ladies’ maids would be scared to challenge a royal but Sophia helped raise me, almost like a grandmother. Her authority over me grew from my deep respect and love for her.
With no choice, I dragged myself out of bed and dressed for something I didn’t want to attend. Each royal was required to display their Kingdom’s colors in a formal setting. Luckily, pink was a fitting color for my complexion.