“There’s my favorite birthday girl!”
An immediate smile crept across my face as I spoke, “Hey, Griff, thank you. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.”
I caught Griffin looking at me and examining how I looked this evening. He sighed and said, “You are always beautiful, but tonight, you areravishing.”
With that, he pecked a small kiss on my cheek and walked away.
I have to get out of this place. I am getting whiplash from all of these dudes.
“All of the ‘dudes’ or just some?” the sweet voice and smell of cinnamon. I could figure out who he was anywhere. I thought of something clever to test a theory I had.
Just some. Only some people are as charming as you.
Luke laughed, “That is nice to know. I wouldn’t want to bother you more than you already are.”
Luke glanced down my body and back to my eyes, “Would you like to dance, birthday girl?”
I nodded and grabbed his hand to lead me to the dance floor. Once we made it, he gently tugged me into him. I could feel his nervous heartbeat beating against mine. He swayed me gently across the floor, and I felt like I was flying. His blue eyes pierced the window into my soul. He leaned into me and lowered his lips to my ear.
“Clara, I need to tell you something, but I need you to keep a straight face. No one can know what we are discussing.” He paused, and I heard him clear his throat before continuing. “There is a ruse being set up during the Variance.”
I pulled back and eyed him curiously, “What does that mean? What kind of ruse?”
He leaned in again, gently touching my ear, “A ruse to kill you.”
A shocked gasp flew out of my mouth, and my head snapped back. I looked at him perplexed and knew he could read me without diving into my thoughts.
I tried to keep my emotions off my face so onlookers wouldn’t catch on to my pure panic, but I could feel the horror creeping into every inch of my skin.
“Who would want to kill me? Why? I-I don’t understand?”
He grabbed my hand. “We can’t talk here. It isn’t safe. Meet me on the balcony in twenty minutes. I will tell you everything I know.”
Panic started to sweep through me, and I immediately felt dizzy. I wanted to run away. Far away from this place. None of this has been easy for me. It wasn’t what I would’ve chosen for myself to train for this competition. As panic took hold of me, a light glow emerged under my long sleeve, where my power marking was hiding. I walked quickly to the powder room.
Once I made it there, I flung the door open and stormed to the mirror. Instead of my gray eyes, the eyes that stared back at me in the mirror were the color of bright lavender. The intensity of my fear could concern anyone who saw me.
What does this mean? I am so confused. Why are my eyes purple?
I splashed water on my face and took deep breaths to calm down. I looked up again, half expecting the water to wash away this hallucination that I must be experiencing but no. They were indeed not the same-colored eyes I began the night with.
I started to categorize my thinking to allow the feelings to subside. There were only two things I was sure about.
One, my power was growing more substantial, and I didn’t know what I was capable of yet.
Two, the threat of someone wanting to kill me seemed natural for someone of my position to have concern about, especially since my parents were the ones to challenge the King of Aster, the ultimate ruler of the entire Land of Carondelet.
Luke, of all people, wouldn’t tell me this to pull my leg. He is one of my only true friends, but also… Whykillme? If someone was upset with my parents, there were many ways to get a hold of them, not me.
I finally found the courage to leave the powder room and walk to the balcony. As I approached, I was surprised to see Luke and Madok.
What is he doinghere?
Luke looked at me understandingly and said, “Clara, Madok and I have much to tell you. Just remember that weboth areon your side.”
I stepped forward, being hit with both of their aromas. Warm citrus and cinnamon flowed to my skin, and I immediately felt out of place and uncomfortable.
Luke grabbed my hand and led me to the seating area with Madok. I could almost sense the anger radiating from Madok, channeling it towards Luke as he quickly moved me to the chair. When I sat across from them, they took a deep breath. Their eyes told me they were scared and unsure, and I’m sure I expressed the same.