What did she mean by a tremendous amount of power?
I quickly pulled my hand away. “I don’t want to make a big deal about it, especially since it is my birthday. All the eyes on me are enough. Can we wear a dress with long sleeves for my festivities?”
She smiled and nodded.
“Do they have to throw me a ‘ball’ for my birthday? I am not a teenager anymore. I would much rather wake up and enjoy the day without all the extra annoyance.”
She laughed sweetly, “You know, you are welcome to stay in this room all day except when it’s time to go to the ball this evening.Thatis a requirement.”
I groaned as Sophia brought out the gown I would wear this evening. It was truly stunning, and I knew I would love this dress because she picked it out and had great taste in clothes.
I wore “royal” clothing in public, but in my everyday life, I would much rather wear shorts or cozy cotton pants, but today was not one of those days.
Later that evening, Sophia came in to help me get ready. I stepped into the dress and immediately fell in love. The long pink gown extended down the lengthof my arms and was tied with gold bands around my wrists. The material hung off towards the top of my shoulders, exposing both sides of my collarbones and shoulders.
The drop in the back collected above my tailbone, and the skirt flung out in all different directions. I didn’t realize the slit on the top of my thigh. I started to blush as I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was no longer the lanky teenager by any means. I had many curves and was proud of them.
The wisps of my warm brown hair were tamed back into a slick ponytail embellished with diamond pendants. My lips were full and dusted with a light rouge. I glanced closer at my image to review all of my features. My eyes are gray, just like my father’s.
“I see you found a book in the library,” Sophia gestured to the book on the bed’s side table.
I nodded. “Yes, I found it in the historical section, but I find it so odd that I had never seen it before.”
I saw her smirk as she grabbed the book and stuck it in the side table drawer. “Better keep it safe.”
After closing the drawer, she looked back at me and smiled, “You look stunning. Your parents will be ecstatic when they see you.”
I leaned closer into the mirror, and that’s when I noticed it. Faint flecks of purple were woven into my eyes. I wondered how long those had been there, or maybe the color of my dress reflected off the mirror.
I slipped on my nude heels, morganite jewelry dangling from my ears and branding my fingers. I took a deep breath and started my trek to the ballroom.
I could hear the distant talk of voices and the hum of violins. As I walked closer, I saw the arrangements of pink and white roses and variations of carnations, all draped delicately on the door frames and arches into the room.
When I arrived at the door, the guards opened them as I entered. The crowd went silent as I continued my steps. I fervently scanned the room and was metwith many different faces. Some I recognized, others I didn’t. I immediately felt self-conscious because I knew all eyes were on me. Watching for any signs of weakness, I put on the best smile I could, and the cheers began. I was surprised to find my father, the King of Artesia, rushing toward me.
My heart could explode from the happiness I had when I saw him. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me as he had done for nearly twenty-one years.
We looked alike, with the same nose, eyes, and hair. We also had very similar personalities, which ticked my mother off sometimes, but it kept it interesting at home.
“My sweet Clara! I am so thrilled to see you. We have missed you so much.”
I nearly wanted to cry from that embrace.
“Clara, you look magnificent.” He grasped my face with both hands and, with dampness in his eyes, said, “Who you have become is immaculate. You are destined for greatness, my sweet girl. Happy Birthday.”
Ugh,now I am going to cry.
“Thank you, Father. It’s great to see you. I am so happy you’re here, but where’s Mother?”
He embraced me once more, then someone interrupted us, Instructor Edward.
Dick, he always ruins a good moment.
“King William, I need to speak to you in private.”
My father smiled his toothy grin and apologized profusely for needing to step away, leaving me alone yet again.
I was snagged at the elbow as I approached the gorgeous food table. Whipping around, I spotted the big lug Griffin.