Evander turned around and walked back to the wall far away from Madok, leaning against it with great smugness. “Not god, goddess.”
I was pulled back into reality with Luna looking directly at me as my eyebrows creased in total bewilderment.
“Why was Evander calling Madok, Theo and dad?”
She sighed and came out of her trance with the light in the room, lightening to a light amber color.
“Because he is Theo. He is not Madok.”
I started to dart my vision all around the room. Shit, was I about to have another panic attack.
“What I tell you will shock you, but you must know.”
She paused and breathed before continuing, “After Madok’s eighteenth birthday, his father took him on a trip as a celebration. Madok didn’t know that he would be captured by the god Theo. When he was captured, Theo stole some of his essence and created this facade of him resembling Madok. That’s why he didn’t talk to you for years after his eighteenth birthday. Theo had planted ideas and future memories into his mind. Theo had to figure out pieces of your relationship with Madok so he could get close enough to you for you to trust him. Once you fully gained his trust, Theo would step into his form and complete his mission.”
I interrupted her, “But where is Madok?”
My heart was racing when she continued. “Let me finish…This entire time, there has been missing information, memories wiped clean, and history that isn’t true. Clara. You know this. The book was placed in your hands for a reason,” she breathed deeply. “When Athiana placed the curse over the kingdom, it wasn’t to punish the other gods and goddesses. It was to stop Theo. He stole Amari from her. Athiana and Josephine wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He got Amari pregnant, and they had Evander and his brother. She tried to protect them both, but Theo had already gotten to Evander. His father influenced him outside of this curse, destroying anyone and anything that was a nuisance to Theo. Amari sent her other son away to protect him, all while Athiana created a plan for her curse to contain Theo in this land. The land of Carondelet, the land of humans. She wasn’t prepared for Theo taking all the royal bloodlines with him under the curse.”
She paused before continuing, ensuring that I was indeed following her.
“You already know that Athiana set up the Variance to lead Theo to believe there was a way for him to regain his full powers and escape. In reality, the Variance was put in place for you. She knew a descendent would come along with enough vengeance and power to destroy Theo, and you are that person.”
“But why couldn’t she destroy him?”
Luna sighed and licked her lips before she continued.
“Because Athiana was captured under Theo’s curse. In another land. Outside of this one. Without having access to him in person, she couldn’t destroy him. Theo knew he needed a disguise and a way into this land with his influence. He chose a human, Alex, to take the role of a magical puppet. In reality, King Alex held no special power and was completely controlled by him. The only people who know this information are the children’s first generation, including Evander. He knows what is outside this magic veil, but you must complete the Prophecy.”
What in the abyss?
“This land is only a portion of what there is in this world. We are all trapped here because of the curse that Athiana placed in retaliation against Theo. Her intentions were for good, but we have all been punished by their hatred for one another. Evander has been tortured by his father for years, Clara.”
She stood and walked around her desk, sitting against it. She bent down to look me in the eyes. “You have to kill him. You must kill Theo. If not for yourself, for Evander.”
“I— I don’t know how to do that.”
She knelt in front of me, grabbing my wrists.
“Yes, you do. You combine all of your powers. Link them together, your essence can destroy him, and it must. If you don’t, Theo will take over the land and kill anyone who threatens him. We won’t ever be able to visit the outside world, and the people of Carondelet will never know the truth.” She breathed, then touched my chin, “Theo will kill anyone who stands in his way, including his son.”
Tears started to well in my eyes as I came to terms with this information. My one true love would die if I did nothing. I had no choice.
Chapter 39
Istood, ready to leave this room. I was tired of hearing all of this information that was deflating me every second as the realization of what would need to be done came into my mind. Luna grabbed my hand, “Wait. There is one more thing.”
I grunted out of frustration. What else could there be?
“Only a god can defeat Theo.”
I whipped my head around to face her. “Well, Luna, that would be helpful information since I’m not a god!”
She laughed. She seriously laughed at me. How is this funny?
Luna gripped my shoulders, squaring me directly into her darkened eyes.
“You’re missing the point, Clara. You came here to become a goddess. You can kill him.”