Page 71 of A Clash of Embers

She sighed, patting my hands. "We can discuss that later. What I need you to do is come with me."

I looked at her and back at Eros. He was so peaceful, and I didn't want to leave him.

"He'll still be here, and you'll see him later tonight at the ceremony." She stood and walked towards the door. "You have two minutes, and then I'm coming in to get you. And Good Morning, Eros. There's no need to pretend to be asleep when I know damn well you are not."

I heard a soft chuckle leave Ev's mouth. "Yes, Your Majesty."

His hands moved over my lower back as I looked down at him, laying on the bed with his eyes still closed. I leaned over and whispered, "Why would you want to pretend to be asleep when you know my mother will know?"

I moved my legs to get out of bed, and his hand gripped my left wrist. "Don't go yet. She said two minutes."

My body involuntarily laid down and turned towards him to face him. I scooted my body over to him and pressed my chest into his side. His emerald eyes flickered open, and the crinkle in his eyes made me smile back at him.

"Come here so I can kiss you," he whispered, reaching his hand around the back of my head and pulling over to him. He was smiling as he pressed his mouth into mine. It was the sweetest kiss I'd ever had. He lingered just slightly, but it wasn't hurried for him. "Go with your mother. I'll see you later."

Before I moved away from the bed, I leaned over, kissing him once more, and I hummed slightly at the satisfaction of being with him. "I'll see you later."

Walking away from the bed that held the most delicious man ever was so difficult, especially knowing how far we had come to get to this moment in our lives.

When I entered the hallway, my mother leaned against the wall waiting for me. "Well, that was quick."

I laughed at her, and we started our walk down the hallway. "So, where are you taking me?"

She grinned. "We're taking a little trip into the city. I need to show you a few things. First, let’s get you dressed and we’ll have some fun together."

I looked at her with a curious expression because a simple trip into the city didn't seem like something she would do. There would be an ulterior motive with her. There always was. Was she genuine? Yes, but there were always layers underneath that gorgeous queen exterior.

The bustling city was full of people walking through the tree houses and different vendors. They were happy here. I could sense it.

"This is what you will have control over as Queen. These people, they mean everything to me. They were your father's world. He always wanted to keep them safe, and I expect you to do the same."

We continued walking, stopping at a few vendors, and selecting different clothes and herbs. My mother stopped and smelled every one of the dried flowers, spices, and burning incense.

"Why do you do that?" I asked her.

She smiled. "Why do I do what? Smell everything?"

I laughed, "Yes. Why? It's strange. You don't have to do it, so why do you?"

She had a smile sitting on her lips as we continued to walk down the line of vendors. Each was different in its own respect. My mother continued picking up different foods and herbs just as she did before and finally answered my questions.

"Why not stop and enjoy something?" She sighed as she halted her steps and turned towards me. "Clara, there are many things to enjoy in life. This world.Yourpeople. They are resilient and strong. I told you within the curse that we were waiting for you, and I meant that. Your father wanted to ensure that our world could have the opportunity of peace. That was his goal in life.”

She stepped towards me, reaching out and tucking a stray hair behind my ear. “When he first came here, he would stop and smelleverything. He took it all in. He talked to the locals for hours and pulling him away was difficult because this is what he loved. He couldn’t have cared less about the crown, the power, and all the other political mess that comes with it. He was a king of the people."

My brows furrowed together, thinking of what he was like and how he walked the same path we're taking now. "What if I can't be like him?"

A determined expression crossed her face as she leaned into my space. "You already are. People follow you. And to be completely honest, I think you may already be a better ruler than your father and I." She moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and smiled with a pinched look, "You are much more thanjusta Queen. You were chosen to be created. Your spirit, your love, and the way that you care about people are needed. That's what Darthiumneeds.You will restore the balance that we so desperately need."

My mother grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to her. "You now know the truth of this world. That these people are creators, they are creators of their own worlds and are not meant to be here. Others don't like to use her name, but I will."She glanced around to ensure no one was listening in. "Ishtar is hiding. She is in this world, and we are going to bait her out of the skin she's wearing. She doesn't want the curse binding the Enythius to end because she wants them to be stuck here, and that isn't good. But you need to understand why."

She grabbed my hand, and we started walking quickly toward the tree line. Once we stopped, my mother let go of my hand and placed hers on her hips, taking a few deep breaths.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her with a concerned expression.

She laughed slightly before turning to face me. "The other Enythius's worlds are in trouble. Tetharus is crumbling. Everything is starting to die everywhere because the gods and goddesses have been here inDarthiumtoo long. They must go back to where they belong. To their creations."

I looked away from my mother, glancing around at the dead leaves. I wondered what that meant for me. I was a goddess. An Enythius.