Page 67 of A Clash of Embers

"It's because, under the curse, we were put in Carondelet with the humans. The humans were completely unaware, as well as the other royal bloodlines that were trapped there. Athiana cloaked it to mimic Darthium, to have similar features and landscapes. That's why it seems so…identical."

I didn't respond. I simply just took in what he said. He was being completely honest with me, and it was an odd feeling to hear the truth, and I knew it was because I sensed it. He was slowly dropping his walls for me, allowing me in.

"Have you tried to use your Oracle power yet?" he asked.

I stopped walking. "Why do you want to know?"

He stopped a few paces ahead of me, running his hand through his hair before turning to face me. "Because you haven't used that power, and I want to know what the true reason is," he admitted to me.

Strangely, I was so accepting that he knew this, but then again, we were mated. We were one and the same.

I sighed, "I don't think it's a power that should be used. I don't want to know the future. I don't want to know the outcomes. I think that it's too much."

He smiled, "It's interesting that you think that. Now that you know Leo is not actually Fae. He also doesn't have the power to see the future. Only one remaining Fae can foresee the future, and she doesn't even know it yet."

"What do you mean? Who?"

He smiled, "Her name is Lilibeth."

I peered at him intently. I had heard this name before a few times. Leo had told me of his sister who had died, but my mother also told me about her.

"I thought she was Leo's sister. Is she not?"

He laughed softly, "No, but she isLuke'shalf-sister. He knows that too. Luke knows much more than you think he does. Why do you think he pushed you towards me, and why he said what he did in the shack before you walked across the field? He is playing a dangerous game of staying close to the enemy. He knows exactly what he's doing."

My heart was beating so fast, realizing that Luke had known. He even told me he knew everything—that he knew too much.

"So, Lilibeth is fae and shape-shifter… She can see the futureandhas telekinesis. Does she know this?"

He sighed, "I wouldn't know that for sure because Athiana banished her to Tetharus before the curse. That's where she is, and you need to get her out."

"I remember what my mother said. Lilibeth is the second part of the prophecy. Do we know how we can even get her out?"

He smiled. "The book knows."

I rolled my eyes and started walking past him, "Fine. Let's go get this damn book."

"Open it. You remember how to open it, right?" Eros nagged me.

I flickered my eyes toward him with irritation as I spoke through clenched teeth, "Yes. Irememberhow to open it."

He smirked. "Prove it."

I heard a scuffling of feet by the door, and both of our heads turned to see Consul Loveridge and Kay standing there with blank expressions.

"Yes? Can we help you?" Eros questioned them.

Loveridge smiled. "Yes, Eros. Why did you think taking the Princess from the Beacon without permission was appropriate, in front of all of the other witches?"

He stood and scoffed at her, "I don't need permission to take my mate anywhere. She needed to come with me."

I smirked internally because we certainlydidthat.

I sighed, "We don't have time to hash all of this out right now. We need to open the book. So, if you wouldn't mind…"

I stared at them as they looked at one another before communicating their thoughts to me.

Kay stepped forward, "We need to know the truth."