You can't ignore me forever, you know.
I shook my head trying to focus on the meal in front of me. Not looking at him.
"Clara, after our meal, Colette and I would like to discuss somepoliticalmatters with you if possible. After that, we are having a welcome home celebration for the Princess of Bolzana."
I looked at her as I was mid-bite of the bread—Princess of Bolzana?
"That is what you are, Clara. Your name is Clara Artesia, but you are the reigning princess over this land. Your home."
My home. A home that was never the place I had grown up. I grew up in Carondelet, that was my home.
"The people here have been waiting for you, and they are thrilled to serve you."
My thoughts jumped back to Susan. The innkeeper. Her husband worked for my mother. I would ask her about him. I needed to know.
We conversed casually as we finished our meal, laughing and carrying on as if nothing was wrong. While the world was laying in turmoil.
I followed my mother and Colette to my mother's office, where the pink suede chairs still took up residence. Just like they had since I was born. Eros and Lachlan went out into the city in preparation for the special event to honor me, which I was still slightly concerned about.
We sat in the chairs surrounding a table. Anemptytable.
"Do you still possess the onyx ring?" Colette asked me, glancing at my hand. Anyone with eyes that worked properly could see the large, gaudy, onyx stone ring on my finger. I held my hand up for her to see and she nodded. "Very good. Then you are prepared." She gestured to my mother. "Clairece, I think you should begin."
My mother smiled and leaned into my space, "What do you know about Athiana?"
Chapter 28
Ilooked at her curiously. "What do you mean what do I know about her?"
She leaned back in the chair and gave a quick glance to Colette. "What I mean is, since you have been in Darthium, what do you know about her?"
I studied them cautiously as I decided carefully what I should say.
"Well, I am getting the feeling that Athiana is the root of all of our problems, but I'm not too sure why. Everyone is still not telling me the full truth."
My mother smiled diabolically as she began her entire explanation of Athiana.
She clarified that Athiana was hated and unwanted by the other Enythius. When she visited Darthium and fell in love with Myrick, the human king, she made the Enythius mate them together, but the Divine One didn't agree and wouldn't bless her union. Quickly Athiana became hostile and angry, which began a war that had not stopped, but it would end. With me.
Colette continued, "Athiana is not her real name. Neither are any of the Enythius’ names, including mine. The gods and goddesses that walk among us, they all have a facade to cover who they truly are to mesh into the bloodlines. We didn't do it to infiltrate this world, we did it to defeat her." She paused, reaching over the table and clicking an invisible button that I hadn't noticed. The leaves of the table opened allowing me to glimpse inside the golden book that lay at the bottom of a hidden compartment.
She picked up the book and handed it to me. "Does this look familiar to you?"
I nodded, while holding onto the book that gave me insight into this world under the curse.
Colette said, "This is the true book. It's similar to the Stories of the Conservator that you read under the curse, but this one," she pointed to it, "is the truth."
I took a breath and opened to the back cover just as I did in Carondelet. The prophecy, still written, etched inside with red ink.
When the stars align, the purest of blood must seek revenge. Hand in hand is where it shall begin. The blood possessed with power and the onyx of night must end it once before the strike. Though so small, the second will do. Of sight and night, she will give wrath to all who knew. Decided blows will be made when the third and final creation is made. Although eminence will be of contrary power, the essence will close off those who devour. Stars must align. The three give thrice the power. If one must stray, you’ll find me weary, as we all will die near the ending.
"You have already completed the first part of the prophecy, Clara. The purest of blood must seek revenge. That is, you. Full of goodness. Hand in hand with Eros. Together you ended the curse over us in Carondelet. The second part is where we needyour help.Of sight and night, she will give wrath to all who knew.You must find her."
I looked at them like they each had three heads sticking out of their necks. "What do you mean by her? Who isher?"
They glanced at each other again and I couldn't help it. "Would you two stop doing that? I am already confused enough."
Colette continued, "You must find Lilibeth."