Page 42 of A Clash of Embers

"You know, if you’d stopped screaming, this might actually be enjoyable," Eros yelled over the wind whipping around us. I held on to his arms for dear life because there was no way that I would even think of moving an inch of my body out of his grip.

Where was he taking me?

My eyes lingered on the tall trees that were slowly becoming larger the closer we descended toward the ground. They were enormous with slightly browned leaves at the top.

"Also, you can still call me Ev. That's my name," he said.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes in the process. "I don't think I will. Eros might be a more appropriate name for you.Evis a sacred name in my heart, and you no longer dwell there," I said with a smirk. He obviously couldn't see it, but his lack of response told me that he understood my slander.

We landed gracefully in a small meadow near a forest of tall trees with large bases and roots that grew out from the ground.The magic in my veins was thumping at the sight of nature that I'd never seen before, the strength of the land in which we were standing.

I looked around me quickly realizing that Eros was nowhere to be found. A slight uptick of my heart sent a wave of panic that he was gone. I searched for him. Looking frantically, I peered towards the trees once more, and there he stood with his arms crossed looking highly irritated by the fact that I wasn't by him. I rolled my eyes and started my pouty stomp towards him.

Who does he think he is? Asshole.

I felt the scratch on the back of my neck again, but this time it wasn't painful.

You know. I can still hear you, darling.

All I could do was shake my head, and once I reached where he stood, he stared at me for a moment before turning and walking into the forest not saying a word.

Smug asshole.

I honestly thought I had broken our bond, but apparently, I hadn't done it correctly because he still lived in my damn mind. And here I was following him into the forest. Like an idiot. But after a few paces, I felt like less of an idiot when we came upon a home that reminded me of a place… aplacethat I know.

"Seem familiar to you?" Eros asked as he walked up the floating black steps leading to the glass house. It was framed with black metal and was lifted above the creek that ran below. It was quiet. It was just like Chateau de Leors. Myhomein Manzanita.

I followed him into the home with great uncertainty. It was probably dark and dungeon-like. There was no doubt in my mind.

What… this is—

"What? You thought I'd live in a dungeon with no windows?" he asked me curiously as he started unbuttoning his shirt, whichwas stained with blood. Riley's blood. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Honestly. Yes. You're a Vampryeandyou're an Angel. I don't know what to expect from you," I said as I peered at the paintings lining the walls. I assumed they were his since hedidshare that part of him with me in the curse. I couldn’t deny that he was a phenomenal artist, but it didn’t make who he was any better.

Intrigue pulled at me like an allurement to walk down the corridor with the paintings, to pass every door—and every door was closed. Just like the door to his mind. Closed off. Never allowing mein.

I heard a noise behind me and quickly turned my body around to come face to face with the man who was in many ways a monster, but a gorgeous one.

His eyes were dark and irate, filled with uncertainty, but there was one thing he couldn't stop me from doing right now. I could break into his mind, just slightly, but before he closed it, I made my way in, and I'd toy with him.

I wish Leo was here. He could make me feel—

I felt his breath on my cheek before I saw the light stubble across his jaw. Standing directly against me. I didn’t want to look in his eyes so I turned my head away, facing the doorway.

“There will be no more of that.” He gripped my face in his other hand, forcing me to look him in the eyes. “When I’m speaking to you, you will look at me.”

I pinched together my face as I flickered my gaze to him, to his eyes, taking in that soft emerald glow. “If I remember correctly, mywifeonce told me that she would love me no matter what kind of monster I was.” He gripped me tighter, pressing my nose into his cheek. “Our marriage marking might be gone, Clara, but you and I aremated. That will never change. So, you will notkiss another man, think of another man, and you will never let another man touch you.”

Maybe I didn't break our bond.

I laughed while being forced to look into his eyes. “Is that a threat?”

I remembered our conversation before the Variance opening ceremonies and, apparently, he did too.

“No, darling. It’s apromise,” he whispered.

He slightly loosened his grip on my arm and my face just enough for me to pull back. “Now that I have you back, you will help me with my plan, and if you don’t... I will kill everyone you love. Including Leonardo Madokus,” he said with a bite and heat flared within me as I responded.