His stare was unmoving. He wouldn't budge.
I twisted my hand to tighten the roots around him and shot my persuasion power into him. I gritted my teeth and then screamed at the beast. "Who told you?"
I felt a gust of wind behind me and I saw the beast's eyes widen in terror then quickly changed to excitement. It was hard to tell which emotion struck true because I couldn't get past his barrier.
I felt a chill run down my back as I stood up, straightening my spine and gripping the emerald-crusted sword and onyx sword once again. I took a deep breath and was ready to turn around when I heard his voice.
"It was me."
I stood. Frozen.
The voice.
"I was the one who told him."
Hisvoice. I knew that voice with every fiber of my being.
"I told him not to kill you."
Immediately I closed my eyes. I knew it was Evander. It was him. I looked one last time at the beast in front of me and I could have sworn he had a smug smirk across his snout.
I took a final breath before I turned around with swords gripped in both hands.
After I turned, only a few feet away from me stood a man with large white feathered wings with splattered maroon across the delicate feathers, midnight black hair, glowing green eyes, soft plush lips, with a sliver of sharp fangs showing.
I didn't breathe. I couldn't.
I stared at him. At Evander. But it wasn'thim. This man was the most terrifying monster I had ever seen. He took steps towards me, closing the space between us. My eyes wandered to his neck, to his exposed marking. It was ours. It wasourinamorato marking. Evander. He was... He was.
"I'm Eros."
My eyes quickly flickered back to his green eyes. He debilitated me. This entire day, no one could stop me. I was indestructible, but this man didn't have to use any power. Didn't have to fight me. Only exist. His existence simply took my breath away and defeated me.
Before I could react, he was standing directly in front of me, close enough to breathe in his teakwood scent that I so desperately missed. I tilted my head up to look at him.
His eyes blinked slowly, studying me and my reaction.
"Hello, Clara Bear."
Chapter 18
Itook a step backward, placing distance between us, but he filled my space once again. He smiled his villainous smile, "I thought I told you to stay away from me?"
I realized I pulled my swords to my side as I glanced toward them and I heard him chuckle.
"You thinking of using those on me? I might like that." I saw the smugness spread across his face as I gripped my onyx sword tighter.
"I'm not thinking,Eros," I hissed. "I am doing."
I struck my sword toward him, wielding the other sword in my opposite hand ready for another strike. He stepped back realizing that I was serious. He tilted his head with curiosity. "Well, let's see what you've got, little bear."
I grunted as I struck with both swords in a balanced dance of striking and swinging. He dodged every single movement I made except one that clipped his hand. The hand where our marriage marking once existed. His green eyes fluttered to purple so quickly I didn't know how to anticipate his next movement.
When he moved forward, I held up the golden sword to block him and he gripped the blade with his hand pushing it towards me. He pushed it so hard that the sword was pressed into my neck. He was standing a breath away from me as he examined my face. His other hand gripped the one I held over the hilt of the sword.
My skin warmed at his touch like a spark was ignited within me. The ember that had been lying dormant for so long was now awoken.