Page 34 of A Clash of Embers

“She was banished from Avellino by Athiana. And I brought her here to protect her.”

I thought I would push a little further. “Why did Athiana banish her?”

His eyes were pleading with me not to ask that question, but it was too late. It was already done and it needed to be answered. “Because she and I are friends.”

I nodded my head and looked towards Bethany whose mouth was slightly open in awe at what Luke had just told her. I was looking at her when I released my essence around Luke placing him gently back on the ground. Her blue eyes flickered to mine and I couldn’t help myself.

“Why were you banished?” Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked towards Luke frantically.

"I was banished because Luke is one of my closest friends, he always has been. Athiana didn't appreciate me giving information to him and vice versa. She wanted control."

Without the compulsion behind it, I asked them openly.

“Why is this a secret? How come you didn’t want me to know?”

Luke walked towards Bethany and wrapped her in a hug. "Because you don't need to have a side, Clara. You need to be on the side ofeveryone. Not one specific species. Like I've told you before, I know way too much to let you know what I know. I can only allow certain things to happen, and one of those things would be protecting Bethany. I would do that. Till my dying day. She is one of my best friends, and besides she knows too much about me." He smirked at her as I watched this conversation unfold.

"I feel like I should go ahead and tell you another truth," Luke sighed looking at Bethany with wary eyes before returning them to mine.

"Leo is going to come with you—to be captured."

“Wait. Leo is coming with me?”

Luke nodded at me and he could tell my wheels were turning.

“What? You’re afraid your mate is going to go ballistic on the man who’s been keeping your bed warm?” He stated smugly.

I opened my mouth in shock that he actually said that as he continued. “Actually, I kind of planned that on purpose. He needs to see Leo andyouthere for you to get to him. He needsto know that when he pushes you away that you won't come begging for him.”

Chapter 16

What the abyss am I getting myself into?

Leo stepped behind me wrapping his arms around my waist as he peppered my neck with kisses and hummed happily. "Are you ready to go?" he whispered in my ear.

I tilted my head around to look at him, "Yeah, I guess so."

He turned me in his arms and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. Gentle. Easy. Before I could do anything else, my head snapped back and I heardhisvoice calling me. My head filled with blackness and I heard him.

I’ll be waiting for you.

I was brought back to the present and realized my nose was bleeding. Not much but slightly. Leo was examining my face wondering what he did wrong. Wiping my face with extreme concern lingering across his features. “Are you...?”

“It’s nothing, Leo. I’m okay.” He quickly pulled me into a hug and I felt comforted but then I remembered what Evander said.I’ll be waiting for you.

Shit. He knew we were coming. Because of me. He could read every emotion and everything I thought. He probably was listening to this banter I had going on with myself. I couldn’t stop this attack from happening, so I had to go forward with it. And we would.

On our trip to Ingria, I tried to stay as far away from Leo so that way I didn’t subconsciously tell Ev—Eros something I wasn’t supposed to. I stayed in the back of the group along with Riley and Callan.

“So, what’s going on with you and Leo?” Riley asked me sweetly. I smiled back at him and looked in front of me at Leo, watching the way he walked with confidence and ease.

“I’m not sure, I think for now we’re having fun. I don’t want anything too serious with everything going on,” I say before asking him a curious question. “What about you? Anyone catch your eye?”

He giggled, “Eh... Not really. There is this one girl at home, but she doesn’t know me. I pass by her house every morning on my way to the bakery. I— She is stunning. Callan tells me that in order to keep my focus I shouldn’t get involved with anyone. So that’s what I do.”

Internally I wanted to go tell Callan to fuck off but I didn’t know the rules and dynamics of being in the royal platoon. It wasn’t something I was sure about.

I cleared my throat. “How are you feeling? No more sickness?”