Page 18 of A Clash of Embers

I sat up, bringing the blanket over my chest to ensure he couldn't see anything. "Sure, but where is this place?"

He smirked, "Get dressed and come find out." Leo winked and turned to walk out the door, "I'll meet you in the hallway in a couple of minutes."

Fuckity fuck. I am not ready for this.

The door clicked behind me as I entered the hallway dressed in tight black pants and a white tunic that flowed off my body, not trapping me inside tight fabric, but allowing me to train the way that I wanted to.

"All right. Let's go," Leo said, turning down the hallway.

So, I followed him, unsure of what we would be doing, but I wanted to give him a chance. We all needed a second chance sometimes.

We made it to the other side of the island, where I noticed a large cavern that seemed to open into a large waterfall. It was lit with sunlight and with glowing green algae.

"This is the perfect place. Right behind the falls, it's quiet, and you can manipulate the environment as much as you'd like without any attention." He smiled as I followed him towards the space behind the falls.

The roar of the water was peaceful, but it surged my power. My nerves were jumping at the chance to touch the water, to use the nature around me. I knew I couldn't show him certain parts of me because he would piece together who I was. An Artesian. A witch.

But deep down, I knew I was much more than that.

"Let's practice a little, warm up the muscles."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that's necessary. You know what happened last time."

He chuckled, "C'mon, let's see what you can do."

Leo stepped towards me and swung his fist first, but I ducked out of the way and countered the movement with a punch to his ribs.

Immediately he gripped his side and leaned over grunting. "Ugh. Maybe you don't need that kind of practice."

I laughed, leaning over to pick up a sword that he had brought. "I think we should use these, don't you?"

He hesitantly picked up the other sword and bowed, smiling the entire time. "Okay, Clara. Let's see what you can do—"

I struck my sword at him, but he blocked my strike, causing me to stumble back slightly. He rolled his shoulders as we circled one another. He struck next, but I countered his movements. Every. Single. One.

I breathed out a wholesome sigh and questioned him. "Are you done practicing yet?"

He laughed, "Oh. We're gonna play that game, are we?"

I smiled, glancing over him studying his stature. He was strong, powerful, but not more powerful than me. I went at him again, but this time he struck my arm. He grinned at me, with a look of success. It infuriated me, so I struck repeatedly until I pinned him against the back of the cavern wall.

"You have no idea what you are up against," I seethed at him.

His amber-golden eyes shimmered slightly with wickedness as he smiled, pressing into my sword. He bit his lip slightly, glancing at my mouth. "I think I do."

He flung his sword to the ground and knocked mine out of my grip, picking me up over his shoulder and running. I was screaming as I felt the coldness of the waterfall on my skin and then the sensation of falling. The coolness overwhelmed my senses when we plunged into the lagoon below the waterfall.

As I came up out of the water, gasping for air, I turned to see a smiling Leo. I splashed water at him and screamed, "What the abyss was that!"

"Oh, come on, Clara. You loved it," he said matter-of-factly.

I swam a little closer to him and pressed my hands into his chest, looking at his wet lips and golden eyes, watching me intently.

"You think I loved it?" I whispered.

He pushed closer to me. "I think you'd love many things if you'd let me show them to you."

I flickered my eyes towards him and grinned. "Show me then."