I stood directly before him, completely open and honest. I was no longer going to base relationships on lies. There was no doubt in my mind that I truly didn’t need anyone to make me content, but I enjoyed being around him. We had only been in each other’s presence for a few days, and I would take my time ensuring thisfriendshipgrew at a healthy and slow pace.
I kneeled in front of him, grabbing his hands and eye to eye with him. I took a breath, knowing that my words could determine everything between us.
“Leo. I heard from Evander.”
His eyes widened and darkened at the same time. It probably upset him, but he needed to know. I closed my eyes; I couldn’t hold his gaze for what I would say next.
“He told me he didn’t love me, and if I tried to find him, he would kill me.” I heard him audibly gasp, and my eyes flew open to meet his, dark and full of concern.
His eyebrows furrowed, “How can your mate reject you?”
I let out a chuckle because hearing that truth out loud fucking sucked.
“I’m not sure, but I will not let a man control my choices in life. Not anymore. One day I will discover why he doesn’t love me, but I won’t sit around waiting for him. I also want to be fair to you. We’ve only known each other for a few days, and I know we are attracted to each other. I can feel it. I—I want to take this slow. I need it to be undermycontrol.”
Leo smiled at me and sighed, glancing down at our hands. “I can do that. I’ve waited for you for hundreds of years. I can wait a little longer.”
I bit my lip, not thinking, and his hand lifted, rubbing the pad of his thumb over it. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. Only a breath away from my lips.
“It’s been a long day. Why don’t we call it a night? Tomorrow we can start training, and after, maybe we could go explore the village?”
I nodded as he kissed my forehead, and I closed my eyes letting the overwhelming feeling of peace radiate through me. He helped me stand and my tired legs led me to the room I would be staying in. I walked to my room, closing the door behind me. There were moments where I was left breathless to overcome great confusion and analyze the curiosities of my life, of my world.
This was one of them. I felt completely unsure but excited. It felt right to be around him. I was finally ready to build a true relationship that was under my control.
Crawling into the bed, I laid on my side, staring out at the large windows overlooking the valley below. I envisioned myselfas someone who would live normally in that place, a small family with a good home and happiness. I wanted that. I wanted what my mother and father had. The undeniable and relentless type of love that peoplekillfor.
I heard a knock at my door, and I lazily turned round to see Leo walk in with a pile of clothes. I sat up, looking like a mess, I’m sure. I leaned over my shoulder to sniff and ensure I didn’t smell like complete ass.
“I brought you some casual clothes and dresses I thought you might prefer. I know the innkeeper meant well, but I could tell that it wasn’t your style.”
I held up the black pants and raised my brow as he continued.
“That’s for training. There is a matching shirt in the pile. Be ready in fifteen minutes, I’ll come get you.”
I nodded as he walked out of the room, and I got dressed. I giggled because pants always fit my hips and ass super tightly. Would that be a distraction to Leo as it was to Madok during the Variance? I caught myself thinking of ways to impress him or get his attention. I knew that if I thought about it, Evander would hear it too.
Leo came to retrieve me and we walked toward a training room side by side. My eyes took in the black padded walls with tons of training equipment, some that I had never seen before.
He led me to the mat with what I could only imagine was his family crest with large lions facing one another and a sword that struck through the middle. A peculiar symbol in the middle of the lions caught my attention. It resembled a letter, but it was more fluid and curved, making me think it was something completely different. A symbol.
Sparks of memory that didn’t belong to me snuck into the corners of my mind with a soft whisper answering the question I had formed just moments prior. It was a phrase, a word etched in stone.
A name, Shay. And I knew just what it meant… fate.
Staring blankly at Leo, I processed what had just occurred. Knowledge snuck out of the depths of my mind even though I hadn’t actually asked or retrieved my powers. I justknew.
We stood in front of each other for a moment before he spoke. “Today, we will train your muscles for fighting. Once you build up your muscle strength, we can move to weaponry and other types of training.”
I smiled, curious as to what the ‘other’ training was. “My muscles? Really? I don’t think that’s necessary.”
He tilted his head in a way to say…are you serious?
“Alright. Fine. We can do it your way, I guess,” I said.
He went over different strikes and maneuvers, and slowly, my muscle memory started to click, and I ended up knocking Leo to the ground. Knocking his breath out of his lungs, he let out a chuckle as I extended my hand to help him up.
“Well. Maybe we don’t need to build up your musclesthatmuch.”