Her look became somber before she spoke, “Theo wanted out of that Curse just as much as anyone else did. I do not doubt that he managed a way around Athiana’s Curse. A way to defeat her Curse without him, or the others, having to die at the breaking of it...as if someone else took the sacrifice instead for Theo. It would lead Athiana to believe that anything that had happened was real.”
I glanced at her face before hearing the blaring of the horn on the ship, alerting me that I needed to go. “I— I wish I had more time to talk to you. Thank you.”
Susan smiled at me and said, “Safe travels, and remember that you are pure and good. No one can take that from you.”
Chapter 4
The boat we boarded was large and ominous. I had never been on a boat before, but I had heard stories as a child from my parents about what they looked like. The ship’s bow had a woman carved out of gold with a cloth draped around her midsection, exposing her breasts.
She was stunning, but quickly my eyes followed the movement to the crow’s nest at the top of the ship that held a man whose large Fae wings extended across the space and bore an obnoxious brooding look on his face.
Before I realized it, he cracked a smile in my direction, and that’s when I realized it was Callan.
I was startled when a loud sound vibrated through me as the three horns of the ship blasted, signaling that we were departing.
I walked towards the stern of the ship to watch us leave the small cobblestone city just as people were starting their days.
Looking back at the inn, I noticed a pale face in the window with swept-back and pinned white cotton curls. Susan waswatching with a smile, and I gave her an acknowledging nod. Silently thanking her for her hospitality and kindness.
My head was spinning from the events that unfolded this morning, including the conversation with her. I couldn’t let Leo know that I had communicated with Evander. I needed to keep that to myself to determine what the abyss was going on. I was angry—No—I was pissed that he had heard me this entire time. I know now that he can hear my thoughts, so two can play this game.
I’m going to torture him. I don’t know how yet, but I know I will make it worthwhile.
The strong voice that could only belong to Prince Leo approached me from my right, startling me out of my thoughts, “The passage over to Monowi shouldn’t take too long, only a few hours, and I get to show you my home.”
His smile was bright, and I couldn’t help but appreciate it. Maybe I should forget about Evander. None of it was real anyway, right? But how could anyone turn their back on someone they loved? I wasmatedto him. We had made plans together. Then, I remembered our conversation, the one in the dungeon of my castle. He specifically told me that he would bedifferentin this world.He was right. The Evander I knew would have been searching for me—or, maybe, I never truly knew him at all.
The breeze flowed through my wisps of hair as I leaned over to watch the wakes push off the ship’s starboard side. I noticed the sea creatures following behind us, joyfully jumping in and out of the water, it made me smile.
A chill crept up my arms as the air turned colder, still something I was getting used to. I tucked my hands into the pocket of the dress loaned to me when I felt a roughness on my right hand.
When I gripped the material and pulled it, I noticed it was light and crumpled.Paper.
I quickly unfolded it, noticing the elegant cursive writing etched onto the lines of it.
Dear Susan,
I fear this may be the last letter I write to you, so I’ll be sure to say everything I need to say now rather than later. When I saw you planting the flowers outside the castle garden, I knew you were it for me. When I locked onto your hazel eyes, I knew, and I think you did too. I remember wearing my uniform that day. I wasn’t supposed to talk to you because it was against the rules… but I didn’t let it stop me. I needed to know you. At seventeen, everything in my world turned its head when you spoke to me for the first time. I remember standing in front of the priestess, tying our lives to one another forever. Here we are years later, and I am still just as in love with you, if not more. This is my final mission. Queen Clairece wanted to see if Athiana was true to her word. I am to report to the Queen directly that Athiana is not who she says she is. That truth will undoubtedly kill me. There will be a day when our world will be at peace again, and I know I’ll see you on the other side.
Yours truly,
James Loewen Lockley
I felt the tears drop down my cheeks, causing me to quickly sweep them away before returning the letter to my pocket. What a love the two of them had. Their love was the kind that couples only dreamed of. I needed to return this letter to her when we arrived in the port city immediately. But the last part caught my attention. Queen Clairece... my mother. Did he work for my mother?
In the letter, he said the final mission was determining if Athiana was telling the truth. He said she was not who she said she was and that he woulddiebecause of it. When I returned,Ineededto know what had happened to him. I needed the answers, not only for me but for her. Her one true love.
My eyes widened at the sight of land ahead. I saw the large, mountainous terrain with rocky beaches made of soft ashen rocks. I frantically searched for any sight of homes or castles, but I couldn’t see anything.
That’s when Leo walked towards me again and stood beside me, leaning his strong forearms onto the railing as his comforting citrus scent encompassed me. “Look real close, and you can see the windows inside the rocks. That’s my castle. It’s embedded into the mountain, but behind are tons of villages and cottages with meadows that stretch for miles. It’s a hidden oasis.” He smiled at me, “Welcome to Monowi.”
I finally noticed the glassy sheen of the windows as we got closer, and it intrigued me. I couldn’t wait to see the inside of it. I imagined grand rooms and old oak furniture throughout the lavish halls. Pastoral artwork filling every cream-colored wall. A handsome chandelier would hang in the ballroom overlooking the luscious valley below. I smiled, knowing I was indeed about to find out.
When we docked, Leo guided me toward the entrance of his home. My eyes took in just how large the doors were. They were made of granite, but sleek black metal hooked through the front as a doorknob, and when he pushed them open, I stepped inside with my mouth dropping open at the sight in front of me. It was completely unexpected—Modern. Clean lines.Empty.
Stone plastered all along the hallway walls, the floor a pristine white marble. Our steps echoed off the walls until we finally reached the main portion of his home. It was a combination of a living area and kitchen with an enormous terrarium in the middle that expanded outward, overlooking the valley below.
The terrarium was a large glass box with large foliage and a walkway over the pond or pool, I couldn’t tell, but I’d find out later when I explored whether I was allowed to or not.